Tom Robinson vs. Mayella Ewell. It was the trial it seemed everyone in Maycomb County had been waiting for. A white woman accusing a black man of rape and battery? I knew the outcome right from the very beginning; Tom Robinson would not win. Though, I appointed Atticus Finch to defend him. Might as well give the man a fighting chance not to be sentenced to death. While he was a Negro man, I knew Mr. Ewell was not a respected man in the community and I was liable to believe that Tom was not guilty. As Atticus professed, in the eyes of the law, no man should be discriminated against because of the color of his skin. I agreed.…
Tom Robinson was a civilized man who was trying to get home from work one day,and Mayella Ewell ruined that for him. In the unfair case of Tom Robinson he was accused of raping a girl he never found interest in.The case had a ruling set before it even started,because he was a black man. There was so much evidence that Mayella wasn't raped by Tom Robinson,some of the evidence were Tom's physical handicap from a cotton gin as well as his left arm being twelve inches shorter than his right and was not able to use his left arm.His color works againt him,the jury decides to believe mayella instead of Tom. Therefore, he was convicted and sent to jail.…
Tom Robinson, one of the main characters in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, daughter of Bob Ewell, and is taken to court. Atticus Finch, father of Jean Louise Finch and Jeremy Finch, is appointed as Tom Robinson’s lawyer by Judge Taylor due to his experience and wit. Mr. Gilmor is the prosecuting lawyer and is chosen as Mayella/Bob Ewell’s attorney. Whilst the court case is happening Reverend Sykes,…
Atticus Finch was Mr Robinson’s lawyer, and during the trial he pointed out a few things that were evident and proved Mr Robinson’s innocence. Miss Mayella Ewell claims that Tom Robinson came into her house and suddenly jumped on her - attacked her, grabbed her by the throat, punched her right eye and raped her. Mr Finch of course did not believe a word by Miss Mayella or the two witnesses, who were her father Mr Bob Ewell and sheriff of the county Mr Heck Tate, of whom Atticus claimed that their…
During the trial of Tom Robinson, he encounters false accusations on behalf of the Ewell family. “’ve testified that the defendant hit you, grabbed you by the neck, and took advantage of you.” This quotations explains the false accusations Mayella Ewell made up to save her father Robert Ewell from the jury.Mayella Ewell obviously thought if she traps a black man, which is already disrespected by society instead of her father the jury will take her side either way.This act of pleading innocence was wrong of Mayella because she took advantage of an innocent man that has a family of his own to be there for. Mayella’s loneliness and isolation from the rest of Maycomb county lead her to take such actions. But she was smart enough…
Tom Robinson’s trial was probably one of the most nail biting trials ever and it all took play place in Maycomb County in southern Alabama.This trial occurred in August 26,1935 but the crime took place at the Ewells home on November 21,1934,which also means it was during The Great Depression.It all started when Mayella had accused Tom Robinson of allegedly raping and beating her,when in trial she said “-he chunked me on the floor and’ choked me and took advantage of me”(TKAM).During this trial many things occurred from the defendant’s lawyer “Atticus” kids who gaped through the whole trial to Mr.Gilmer,the accuser’s lawyer,impertinent attitude towards Tom Robinson.…
Tom Robinson was accused for raping a young women named Mayella Ewell on May 18. Mayella Ewell is the oldest of 8 sibling in her family, she is motherless and takes care of the smaller children while she works around her father’s house. The whole court house was filled with white families sitting on the bottom rows of cowhide-bottomed chairs while the blacks had to stay in the balcony. The trial started with Mr. Heck Tate in the witness stand, on the left of him was Judge Taylor. Mr. Tate described Mayella's injuries to the solicitor, Mr. Gilmer “Well I was called by Mr. Bob Ewell yonder, it was the night of November twenty-first. I was just leaving my office to go home when Mr. Ewell came in, very excited he was, and said get out to his…
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee African American Tom Robinson in 1930's society was accused or raping Mayella Ewell. This trial was a complete and utter failure, the jury was full of prejudice people. Only one person testified that he saw the act and that was by unreliable Bob Ewell Mayella's father and proof that Tom was innocent yet he was still found guilty.…
I tend to my garden as I watch several cars drive along my street back to their homes. Tom Robinson’s trial must be over. Before the trial even started, I predicted that the verdict would be guilty. When I saw Jem, Scout, and Dill arrive back at their house with long faces, my prediction was confirmed. It is still upsetting for me to hear that another innocent black man’s life was ruined because of the way white people treat them. I did not attend the trial; I do not wish to see an innocent person on trial for their life. I take off my gardening gloves and head inside. As I wash my hands, I see the children looking very upset and confused. I decide to make them chocolate cakes to help to cheer them up. They must be extremely confused and disappointed about the verdict of the trial. They are too young to completely understand our unfair society.…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch was a well-respected man and known for sticking with his beliefs. In the novel, Atticus agreed to defend a black man named Tom Robinson, who has been accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman. Tom’s trial began in the summer during the early 1930s, of Maycomb, Alabama. At the trial itself, Atticus provided clear evidence that the victim, Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, are lying. Despite the evidence proving Tom’s innocence, the all-white jury convicts him. Since Atticus is a good natured man, he would defend Tom Robinson without hesitation.…
Tom Robinson was a friend of Calpurnia, who was the Finch’s housekeeper, from her church. Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Her and her father couldn’t stick with the same story. They would also keep changing their story about what happened. Plus Bob Ewell is left handed, and Mayella’s bruises were on her right side. While they are over there changing their story Tom Robinson's story was the same the whole time, and it never change. When Scout said that Tom Robinson was a very honest man, and when atticus had asked Tom if he had ever raped Mayella Ewell, he had said in a very serious voice “I did not!” Then there was when the Ewell’s defendant or lawyer was talking to Tom Robinson with disrespectful attitude. Even though all of the evidence was shown to prove that the Ewell’s were guilty and Tom Robinson wasn't guilty and lying, they convicted Tom Robinson guilty. The trial was not fair at all with the jury saying he was guilty, Mostly because he was…
Tom Robinson is cheated out of his freedom, out of his life, because a young white woman “tried to put the evidence of her offense away from her.”(272) No one should cheat any who is lesser than themselves. Under the social ladder the black people of Maycomb are right at the bottom next to people like Mayella Ewell and her father. It’s so easy for them to be belittled, because they are socially beneath them. To the white citizens everyone beneath them is bad, and it’s easy to lie on someone who already assumed bad. Atticus says it best to the gentleman of the jury. The jury would go along with what the young white women and her father told them based on the “the evil assumption- that…
So when someone accuses someone else of doing something illegal or wrong they end up going to court with lawyers and with proof to prove that what they are accusing the other of is true. Bob Ewell accuses Tom Robinson of raping his daughter, Mayella Ewell. First off, Bob Ewell is a very vindictive man. He accuses a black man for a crime he did not commit. Bob Ewell simply wants to cover up the fact that he beats his daughter. He accuses Tom Robinson because he knows that it will be easier for him to get away with it if it is a black man at trial since during those times black folk were looked down on by white folk. In the end after Tom Robinson is found guilty he realizes that there is no more hope left for him and tries to escape which leads to him being shot 17 times. The judge did find him innocent and Atticus did prove that he was innocent but the jury did…
With white supremacists in places of power, things rarely got better for African Americans implicated with a violation of the law. Many of the major events within To Kill a Mockingbird shared surprising similarities with the Scottsboro Trials. Clearly, the Robinson trial itself had the same basic structure as the Scottsboro Boys’ trial. Both Mayella and the two women from the Scottsboro Trials alleged that the African Americans in question raped them (Anderson) (Durst) (Lee 204-206). Moreover in both cases, the defendants could not have possibly committed the crime, due to some pre-existing circumstance; such as the shredded arm for Tom and the separate train car for the Scottsboro Boys (Anderson) (Durst) (Lee 211). Finally, in both cases, the juries found the defendants guilty on charges of rape (Anderson) (Durst) (Lee 240). The stark similarities between the two trials shows that racism was prevalent in Maycomb, like any real Southern…
Many members within the Maycomb community were heavily affected by this dramatic trial. Various emotional changes occurred among these characters before, during, and after the final verdict. Tom Robinson, Atticus Finch, and Robert Ewell were all affected severely by the trial and by the communities’ reactions. Though some may not believe, it is shown multiple times in the novel that these characters were affected by the trial.…