The focus of this analysis is to review and critique the literature review, purpose statement and hypothesis of Biceps and Body Image: The Relationship Between Muscularity and Self-Esteem, Depression, and Eating Disorder Symptoms. This study was conducted by Roberto Olivardia, Harrison G. Pope, John J. Borowiecki and Geoffrey H. Cohane.
Literature Review The researchers who conducted this study argue that there has been minimal research focusing on the body image concerns of men. They argue that despite the recent evidence suggesting an increase in body image problems and associated psychopathology among men, the literature in this area remains very limited (Olivardia et. al 2004). The authors also argue that the existing studies are limited because they only address one or two aspects of body image rather than a comprehensive battery of body image measures. In addition, the authors also mention that very few studies have been conducted to see whether there is a correlation between depression and body image distortions in men.
It seems that the authors of this study have provided a sufficient argument for conducting their research. For the most part their argument is supported due to the lack of previous research focusing on men and body image. Olivardia et al. (2004) argue that there is an insufficient amount of research focusing on men and body image. If this is the case then how can this study benefit the field of counseling? There seems to be a lack of research that particularly focuses on depression and body dissatisfaction in men. Focusing research on this area may provide results which could have substantial implications in therapeutic interventions with men who exhibit body image disorders and/or depressive disorders (Olivardia et. al 2004). This research could also assist counselors in identifying and treating these disorders. Another area of focus for this study seeks to
Cited: Olivardia, Roberto; Pope, Harrison G.; Borowiecki, John J. & Cohane, Geoffrey H. (2004). Biceps and Body Image: The Relationship Between Muscularity and Self-Esteem, Depression and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 5, 112-120. Retrieved November 21, 2004 from PsychINFO database