In the article “If Polar Bears Can Eat A Ton Of Fat And Be Healthy, Why Can't We?” published in May 8, 2014 (Richard Harris) argued in the article that the polar bear has genetics, that help them to live on diet that based on a lot of fats, without suffering from the diseases that affect people, which usually comes along these type of diets. A recent study showed that the baby polar bear has fed milk with 27 percent of fat, which is more than the regular percentage. On the other hand the polar bear should get used to this heavy diet otherwise it causes them serious troubles. So many researchers tried to figure out what’s the difference between the polar bear and the other bears like the brown bear. As a result, they found that he brown bear has the same genes that the human being has, but the polar bear has different genes that let them have this trait of handling the heavy diet. The authors wrote “Based on this evidence, we argue that potentially important reorganization of the cardiovascular system has taken place in polar bears since their divergence from brown bears." Although, the polar bear has something in their genes that helps them to not get ill if they follow heavy diet, they have the cardiovascular system genes that help them to be away of the presumably of getting fat, which human being’s genes lack. And till now there are doing a lot of experiments to know more about the split between the brown bear and the polar bear.