We all know that life is not simple. At some point, we all go through struggles, numerous challenges, problems and setbacks. To be a victim or not, it is our choice. Clearly, Mr. Promsiri Hatakorn is a victor. He chose to make the most out of his own bad experiences. He said anything that hurts him can teach him in some way. The painting “OMG!!!” reflects specific events that he have been encountered with. He told us that the theme of the painting is “Money, Power, Human, and Capitalism”. The reason why he used the one of the oldest methods in painting known as Woodcut to make print is because this technique is very new to him and give him a sense of excitement.
The artist began to talk about the head part. He expressed that this part is quite indecent. The crown is composed of male genitalia. He claimed he got this idea from Sigmund Freud’s theory which suggested that the primary motivation for all things in life is sex. The firing gun inside the human brain refers to the negative inner thoughts. Some people have raising their awareness and increasing their desire to harm others. The bullet speaks for the bad intention that one could possibly has toward other people. Also, the eyes are hypnotized by greed. Greedy people have a tendency to simply do anything to increase their own wealth whether it is moral or not.
Next is the chest. The artist told us that this part he wants to illustrate the influence of capitalism on society. He said the white collars are treated like a dog. Those people thought they have freedom, but in a reality they are not. Their necktie is similar to a leash that when the one tied can be led anywhere and anytime. Also, the heart represents greed.
Continually, he mentioned that the stomach is like a field of war or battle. Fork and spoon displays a weapon. People fight over food. And, the hand in the middle of the stomach tries to stop the situation. The hand is expressed the word “Enough”. The eye inside the triangle