symptomology, I was able to see how his disorder affected his relationships and interactions daily. Like many people who are diagnosed with OCD, we learn that it affects their social interactions, due to the time consumption and anxiety their compulsions and obsessions cause them. Mr. Udall underneath all the prejudgment of others, was a very compassionate and genuine human being. I felt that his negative attitude in the beginning of the film had a lot to do with his isolation and inability to cope with his disorder. Although Melvin, was not able to cope with his disorder mentally, I do believe that he was accepting of his behaviors, regardless of what others thought. He did not have an issue walking to the restaurant practically knocking others over, to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. Melvin also did not have a problem packing his own plasticware when going to eat, despite the attention it would draw. I believe the movie did an excellent job depicting the behaviors of a person who is diagnosed with OCD.
However, I do not think they did an outstanding job depicting the treatment necessary to help someone overcome OCD. OCD is a chronic and disabling disorder that rarely remits without treatment (Beidel, Frueh, & Hersen, 2014, p. 371). In the film, they show that Mr. Udall does have a shrink that he used to see in the past, however, it has been years that he has been to therapy to seek proper treatment. I believe that it would have been great for the film to show a few therapy sessions to see what counseling techniques and theories were used to successfully help him overcome his obsessions and compulsions. I do like how they used Carol Connelly as a safe place for Mr. Udall to gradually expose himself to the obsessions that were making him become compulsive. I believe that therapy sessions with Mr. Udall discussing his relationship with Carol, and how his OCD has affected their success, would have been a unique way for the movie to demonstrate how to successfully treat someone with OCD. In our text, it discusses the cognitive model which is related to OCD. In this model, dysfunctional beliefs about the inability to tolerate the negative emotions associated with the intrusive thoughts are thought to lead to the development and maintenance of OCD ((Beidel, Frueh, & Hersen, 2014, p. 367). I believe the CBT techniques would have successfully helped him alter his negative
thoughts, and helped aid in changing his behavior. In addition to CBT, working on his communication within his relationship with Carol would have also been an effective way to help him successfully change his behaviors. Mr. Udall mentioned something significant to Carol on their date; he told her how she inspired him to start taking his medication to become a better man, which is also realistic when treating OCD. Overall, I think the film did a phenomenal job depicting the symptomology of OCD, as well as showing how this disorder affects one’s daily life. I would have liked to see more client, therapist interaction to have a better idea on what techniques and theories work best when working with a client with OCD. I do not think the depiction of entering a relationship will help one overcome their symptoms was accurate, it was tear-jerking – Yes! – but not realistic.