Anyone that saves people’s lives regardless if they have superpowers would be considered a hero. This is due to the fact that, with a modern day social media oriented society that being something, whether that be an athlete or a hero is usually set in stone. This leads to people trying to fit these stereotypical boundaries set in stone which by default ends up enforcing the stereotypical definition more. Causing more people trying to fit the stereotypical definition, which ends up with this constant loop of people fitting in causing more people wanting to fit
Anyone that saves people’s lives regardless if they have superpowers would be considered a hero. This is due to the fact that, with a modern day social media oriented society that being something, whether that be an athlete or a hero is usually set in stone. This leads to people trying to fit these stereotypical boundaries set in stone which by default ends up enforcing the stereotypical definition more. Causing more people trying to fit the stereotypical definition, which ends up with this constant loop of people fitting in causing more people wanting to fit