Thesis Statements- Of Mice and Men
American Literature- McRobbie
When writing a thesis statement, you must start first with a thesis stem. Your thesis stem will consist of an arguable statement regarding your critical lens. Connected to your thesis stem will be your 3 parameters; each parameter will consist of specific evidence that backs up your stem. Your stem and parameters will be combined into one sentence to create your thesis statement.
Your thesis statement will be the last sentence in the first paragraph of your critical essay. No exceptions. Your thesis statement serves as a road map for you and your reader.
Your thesis statement must be arguable. For instance, you cannot write about plot in your thesis statement and critical essay. This is NOT a book report. You cannot write your thesis statement about how your theme exists in the novel; that fact has already been established! You must analyze it in some way, whether it is how it played a role in the novel, or how it affected other characters.
Acceptable and feasible thesis statements
*Self-alienation is used as a coping mechanism in Of Mice and Men and is seen through the characters of George, Crooks, and Candy.
*Friendship and loyalty is shown through reciprocal relationships in Of Mice and Men, particularly through George, Lennie, and Candy.
*Curley’s wife is the most alienated character in the novel Of Mice and Men as displayed through her namelessness, physical separation, and perception of her by the men on the ranch.
*Prejudging is a predominant theme of Of Mice and Men and can be best seen through Curley’s wife, Lennie, and Crooks.
*Class differences create the most tension in Of Mice and Men; this stark contrast can be best seen through Crooks, George, Slim, and The Boss.
*The characters in Of Mice and Men have unrealistic dreams given their circumstances, specifically with George, Candy, and Curley’s wife.