These Asian carps are messing up native communities that they live in. They cause …show more content…
Asian carp populations are continuing to grow and this means that they are consuming more native fish and plankton. According to Irons et al., the Asian carp population is not declining. Irons and the rest of his team went out and caught fish in La Grange Reach, Illinois River and saw how many Asian carps they had collected. They then compared it to annual totals from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. When they did this the results were that Asian carp have increased in La Grange Reach from 1990-2005 in commercial harvest and biomass. Their analysis also shows that there will be a continued increase in population size (Irons et al. 2007). They also did a study to see how other types of fish communities were affected by the Asian carp. The other species of fish were gizzard shed and bigmouth buffalo. The research team studied the decline before Asian carp were a big problem. After the integration, of Asian carp the gizzard shed and bigmouth buffalo declined rapidly. There were not very many other factors that could have attributed to the decline in these fish. The water quality, primary productivity, predator-prey interactions,