The scary thing is we eat these lollipops, and we eat and drink these food products that are filled with aspartame. People do not think anything of aspartame, because it’s approved by the FDA, it’s in all of our food products, and some people just don't want to believe it’s bad. People everywhere need to open their eyes and realize that artificial sugars is not the way to go; people would be better off drinking a two hundred calorie smoothie than a zero calorie diet coke. Manufacturers should dispose of artificial sweeteners, because they cause harmful effects to the body and mind, and scientists in a lab accidentally discovered …show more content…
Artificial sweeteners not only affect the mind, but also the body. Sugar free, and fat free products are very misleading to customers, you think that you're being healthy and picking the calorie free option, but in reality these products make you gain weight. When food products say “fat-free” or “low-fat” this means they just put more artificial sugar in it, and that is not the “healthier option”. Whenever you see the words “low-fat”, “sugar free”, or “fat-free” think of the words “chemical storm”, because chemicals is the major ingredient in these products. Common names for artificial sweeteners include: splenda, saccharin, aspartame, sweet n’ low, equal, truvia, and many more. Artificial sweeteners do internal damage to your body, you may not see it on the outside, but on the inside it is doing great damage. More side effects of artificial sugar include: birth defects, fibromyalgia, slurred speech, seizures, mental retardation, multiple sclerosis, severe PMS, irritability, and much more. Artificial sweeteners trick your taste buds. When you eat or drink products that contain fake sugars, your body gets used to that high intensity sweetener; your body will soon not be able to recognize real sugar products, such as fruit, are no longer