According to the Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University, Christopher Columbus’s men discovered corn in Cuba in 1492. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Native Americans taught European colonists how to grow corn, and once Columbus introduced it to Europe and to other explorers, it spread all over the world. The article mentions that corn has a low amount of protein and does not have any niacin. When Niacin is lacking in the diet, Pellagra can result which is niacin deficiency disease. According to the article in the Huffington Post, corn contains nutrients and is high in starch. Corn has high amounts of insoluble fiber, which feeds good …show more content…
bacteria in the gut and gets bowel movements going in the body. Corn also contains certain Vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and is good source of antioxidants.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is a product derived from corn and is far from healthy.
It can be hard to avoid or spot on an ingredient list since it comes in many forms and many names. It can be found in sugary drinks, candy, and in processed foods. Some say it is ok in moderation. But according to Dr. Mark Hyman, when High Fructose Corn Syrup is used in moderation, it adds up over time and is major cause of heart disease, obesity, and tooth decay to name a few. He goes on to mention, that companies will list these products as “natural” or a naturally occurring substance, when in reality they are full of empty calories and artificial ingredients. Dr. Hyman also states that a person’s body cannot tell the difference between different types of sugars. However, with high fructose corn syrup, it reacts differently in your body because no digestion is required so it is more rapidly absorbed into the blood