reported that all laboratory rats that consumed aspartame were diagnosed with cancer and weight gain. Supporters of aspartame state that artificial sweeteners are harmless. Critics recommend that additional testing of artificial sweeteners must be obtained prior to making that claim. Diet soda campaigns state: do not give up on the taste you desire, get the same great taste without with all those calories. Artificial sweeteners are the safe, effective, and reliable alternative to sugar. The general public believes this type of advertising makes this industy a multi-million dollar conglomerate. Aspartame, presumed safe for human consumption, is potentially a hazardous health risk. Political manipulation lead to the FDA approval of aspartame discovered in 1956 by a Searle researcher.
He accidentally spilled some aspartame on his fingers and realized it tasted sweet. Searle, in order to obtain FDA approval for aspartame to be a food additive, began safety studies. The first study of seven monkeys resulted in one death and five having grand mal seizures. Other study results revealed holes created in the brains of mice. “Additional research revealed that aspartame was converted in the body into dangerous substances that could cause severe damage to brain cells, epilepsy, brain tumors and other cancers, as well as death due to methanol or formaldehyde poisoning”(“Health & Stress 1”). Searle, concealing negative results, reported to the FDA that no health problems presented during the safety studies. After investigations into the manipulative safety study data, criminal charges were filed against Searle in 1977. Donald Rumsfeld, having powerful political connections, was hired by Searle as chief executive officer. Rumsfeld used his connections to disolve the charges against Searle. Although charges were disolved, the FDA would not approve aspartame until the brain tumors created in animals resolved. “Rumsfeld bragged to subordinates that he would use his political pull to guarantee approval for aspartame (NutraSweet). Ronald Regan was sworn in as president and immediately suspended the FDA commissioneer. Rumsfeld, who was Reagan’s transition …show more content…
team, hand picked Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr to be the new FDA commissioner” (“Health & Steess 1”). Hayes manipulated the system, overrode the Public Board of Inquiry’s decision in 1981 and approved NutraSweet for use in dry foods and as a tabletop sweetener.
NutraSweet being approved in carbonated beverages exponentially increased negative side effects between 1985 to 1995. The following year after the initial approval Searle filed for apartame approval in carbonated beverages. The National Soft Drink Association realized the risks in aspartame and in 1983 tried to stop this approval. The risk of NutraSweet in carbonated drinks is that liquid aspartame, when heated above eighty five degrees, becomes unstable and breaks down into formaldehyde and other types of fatal carcinogens. The National Soft Drink Association was unable to squelch this approval. Coca-Cola’s diet coke was introduced in 1983 with its main ingredient being aspartame. The longest study on the adverse effects of aspartame was only four and half months. “The length of these studies are too short to reveal toxicity from chronic exposure therefore, they get away with saying that aspartame is one of the most studied food additive ever made and no health concerns have ever been discovered. The beverage industry was quick to respond to the study saying aspartame has been ‘deemed safe for decades by the world’s leading toxicologist.’ The average person does not realize that all those industry-funding studies were so pathetically short, and the media does not inform them of this fact either. Hence, people are easily mislead” (Dr. Mercola). These studies evaluate methanol toxicity in animals; humans respond differently to methanol toxicity. “In humans, methanol is allowed to be transported in the body to susceptible tissues where this enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), then converts in to formaldehyde, which damages protein and DNA that lead to the increased risk of cancer and autoimmune disease” (Dr. Mercola). In other studies they noted that men are at greater risk of methanol toxicty than women but leukemia was linked with diet soda consumption in both sexes.
Over the last two decades consumers are becoming more aware of the dangers of aspartame poisoning. According to Janet Starr Hull creator of the Aspartame Detox Program the research and history of aspartame is conclusive as a cause of illness and toxic reactions in the human body. Most people have not heard of apartame poisoning because in order to retain the current profit margin the truth of aspartame’s dangers must remain a secret to society as a whole. “The 1976 Groliers encyclopedia states cancer can not live without phenylalanine. Aspartame contains fifty percent phenylalanine, which can be very harmful to diabetics, fourty percent aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is a neuroexicter, which means its structure effects the central nervous system. Hyperactivity is stimulated by aspartic acid, so this structure is not good for ADD/ADHD conditions and should be avoided dring pregnancy” (Dr. Hull). Aspartame is listed as the cause of over ninty two different health complications. Many physicians call modern diseases “aspartame disease” because it is the embeded cause of these diseases. “According to Lendon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs do not relieve their symptoms” (Dr. Hull). A few of these adverse reactions and side effects pertain to the following areas: eyes, ears, neurologic, psychological, chest, gastrointestinal, skin and allergies, endocrine and metabolic. The most critical symptoms are death, irreversible brain damage, birth defects including mental retardation, peptic ulcers, hyperactivity in children, severe depression, aggressive behavior, suicidal tendencies and aspartame addictions with increased cravings for sweets. Aspartame may cause or give symptoms of specific illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Fibromyalgia and Lymphoma. The first step in Hull’s ten step Aspartame Detoxification Program is to remove any and all products containing aspartame from your diet.
Supporters of artifical sweeteners are quick to point out any variance in clinical data to formulate their desired results. “Clinical research gave a clean chit to artificial sweeteners, dismissing allegations that these sweeteners induce certain ailments. Aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide, with FDA officials describing aspartame as ‘one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency have ever approved’ and its safety is ‘clearcut’. However, some consumers reported symptoms which were believed to be associated with these sweeteners. When the FDA looked into this matter, the conclusion was that there is not enough medical evidence that suggests a link between these sweeteners and the alleged illnesses. Thus, it can be deduced that artificial sweeteners can be safely consumed in moderate doses” (“Myths and Facts”). The rumor that aspartame causes cancer continues today. Researchers express that no definitive association between aspartame and cancer exists. “Studies have documented that sucralose (Splenda) is safe for use by children of all ages. At the same time, stating that sucralose causes various side effects including headaches, allergies and gastrointestinal issues” (“Myths and Facts”). Aspartame is found in around six thousand types of foods and beverages and sucralose is found in approximately four thousand five hundred types. In order to know if a product contains artificial sweeteners, check all ingredients prior to consumption.
There is no absolute proof, to defend or deny, that health problem arise with the consumption of aspartame or other artificial sweeteners.
The supporters of artificial sweeteners choose to believe the information given by Searle and Rumsfeld, that aspartame is safe and harmless dispite the negative study results received, and the misrepresentaion of those results to the FDA. The information collected regarding the adverse reactions, side effects and critical symptoms of aspartame poisoning, give probable cause for additional research in order to preserve the quality of human life. Aspartame, presumed safe for human consumption, is potentially a hazardous health
Works Cited
“The Long-Term Effects of Aspartame Consumption.” Photograph. The Liberty Beacon Staff. 27 June 2013. Web. 09 July 2013.
“Drug Company Profits & Politics Versus Protecting The Public”. Health & Stress 1 (2005): 1-12 Consumer Health Complete. Web. 12 July 2013.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “Aspartame Associated with Increased Risk of Blood Cancers in Long-Term Human Study.” Dr. Joseph Mercola. 07 Nov. 2012. Web. 09 July 2013.
Hull, Dr. Janet Starr. “Dangers of Aspartame Poisoning.” Dr. Janet Hull. 2002. Web. 09 July 2013.
Subheerbabu Idpuganti, et al. “Myths and Facts About Aspartame And Sucralose: A Critical Review.” International Journal Of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy 3.3 (2012): 373-375. Consumer Health Complete. Web. 12 July 2013.