MODULE CODE: Y/601/0563
LO1. Understanding the essential elements of a valid contract in a business context…3
P1.1. Explain the importance of the essential elements required for the formation of a valid contract……………………………………………………………………………………….3
P1.2. Discuss the impact of different types of contract………………………………………3
P1.3. Analyse terms in contract with reference to their meaning and effect …………………4
LO2. Be able to apply the elements of a contract in business situations………………….5
P2.1. Apply the elements of contract in a given business scenarios…………………………..5
P2.2. Apply the law on terms in different contracts…………………………………………..6
P2.3. Evaluate the effect of different terms in given contracts……………………………….7
LO3. Understand principles of liability in negligence in business activities……………..8
P3.1. Contrast liability in tort with contractual liability………………………………………8
P3.2. Explain the nature of liability in negligence……………………………………………8
P3.3. Explain how a business can be vicariously liable………………………………………9
LO4. Be able to apply principles of liability in negligence in business situations………10
P4.1. Apply the elements of the tort of negligence and defences in different business situations……………………………………………………………………………………..10
P4.2. Apply the elements of vicarious liability in given business situations………………..10
Table of Statutes ..........................................................................................…......................11
Table of Cases ..........................................................................................................…..........11
LO1. Understanding the essential elements of a valid contract in a business context
P1.1. Explain the importance of the
References: 6. Working Time Regulation (SI 1998/1833). 2. Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co (1983); 3 4. Dikinson v Dodds (1876); 5 6. Foley v Classique Ltd (1934); 7 8. Harris v Nickerson (1873); 9 10. Hillas & Co Ltd v Arcos Ltd (1932)); 11 12. Junior Brooks Ltd v Veitcho Co Ltd (1982); 13 14. Mountford v Scott (1975); 15 16. Payne v Cave (1789); 17 18. Pitts v Jones (2007); 19 20. Rose and Frank v Crompton (J R) & Brothers Ltd (1923); 21 22. Scammell v Quston (1941); 23 24. The Moorcock (1889).