Case Study 1
EDUC 302
Liberty University Professor Carolyn Wicks
Case Study:
You have a student who is struggling with your synthetic approach to teaching phonics. Explain 3 alternative approaches to phonics instruction that you could use to help this student.
If I had a student what was struggling with my synthetic approach to teaching phonics the three alternative approaches I would use would be: Analytic phonics, analogy-based instruction, and embedded phonics instruction. The first approach would be the Analytic phonic approach (pg 185). Analytic phonic approach teaches students to analyze letter-sound relations in previously learned words to avoid pronouncing sounds in isolation. It is characterized as “whole-to-part” instruction (Vacca, 2012 pp 185). An example of this technique would be to have the student to match a picture to the letter with flashcards or find words that start with a specific letter. This approach will help the student learn sound isolation and word and picture association. Analogy-base phonics instruction is the approach that helps teach students unfamiliar words by analogy to known words. Children are taught to use their knowledge of letters representing onset and rhymes in words they already know and how to pronounce unfamiliar words (Vacca 2012 pp189). With the analogy-based approach the student focuses on words that compare and contrast between old and new words in order to learn words that they don't know. Embedded phonics instruction (pp189) is the approach that teaches students phonics skills by embedding phonics instruction in text reading, a more implicit approach that relies to some extent on incidental learning. It is often associated with a holistic, meaning-centered teacher (Vacca 2012 pp189). This approach teaches students phonics skills within the reading and writing experience. The embedded phonics instruction teaches the student letter-sound