Assembly line history
The assembly line is a process in which workers are put in order to assemble the parts faster to finish the product. This process affected the industrial revolution in a great manner. The companies were able to construct their products faster and satisfying the demand that was needed at that time. Many companies try to perfect the process in different manners. Then, Ford Company was the first in creating a moving assemble line. After that ford was the leader in selling cars. Other companies started to create their own moving assemble lines such as Chevy and Toyota. They started to compete against ford assembly line by creating different models of cars, since Ford had the same model. At the end, Ford created the first moving assembly line and makes a significant change in the way companies and assembly lines worked.
The assembly line that ford created was for the model T that began in December 1, 1913. This exactly assembly line was an idea of William Klann after the visit to a slaughterhouse in Chicago. The man saw how the animals were slaughter in a type of disassembly line. Where animals were passing worker to worker and each worker had a different task. The worker had to do the same procedure with the animal every time. That amaze him on how skill a human gets on removing the same piece over and over. Ford Company grabs this disassembly line and converted it on the first moving assembly line. This assembly line created a great influenced around the world. The price of the car dropped tremendously, since the production cost went down. Everything was doing fine until the workers didn’t feel comfortable with the job. Workers feel bored and without skills, since the worked they were doing was repeating the same thing all day. So, Ford Company started to pay them high wages for their efficiency. A ford employee had a higher wage rate than the average American. Workers were felling more comfortable with their jobs. Later, other