Hon David Cameron PM addressed a security conference in Munich where he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism because of the significant lack of national identity in Britain. He Stated that “State multiculturalism has failed” (Rt. Hon David Cameron PM 2011) and because of the lack of community cohesion under the "doctrine of state multiculturalism", “different cultures have been encouraged to live separate lives” (Rt. Hon David Cameron PM 2011).This goes completely against the very meaning of multi culturalism and community cohesion because it is said to prevent people embracing and understanding world culture religious / social customs and traditions from around the world and those of the people in which they live and work alongside on a day to day basis
Hon David Cameron PM addressed a security conference in Munich where he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism because of the significant lack of national identity in Britain. He Stated that “State multiculturalism has failed” (Rt. Hon David Cameron PM 2011) and because of the lack of community cohesion under the "doctrine of state multiculturalism", “different cultures have been encouraged to live separate lives” (Rt. Hon David Cameron PM 2011).This goes completely against the very meaning of multi culturalism and community cohesion because it is said to prevent people embracing and understanding world culture religious / social customs and traditions from around the world and those of the people in which they live and work alongside on a day to day basis