Unit 2
Theory Assessment Question
As teachers there are lots of skills that we require to support individuals and groups in learning, these are known as Literacy Language Numeracy and ICT (LLN/ICT) (Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Sector Jonathan Tummons). We use these skills in everyday life; this creates confidence, effectiveness and independence. These elements of basic learning and social development are known as the minimum core (lifelong learning sector.” City and Guilds (2008)
Approach taken to research.
In the subjects that I teach, you must have sound knowledge of both the subject content and learning styles in order to deliver the lesson well. This can be obtained through researching text …show more content…
The information I have found has helped me confirm that my teaching ethics are correct; also ensuring the minimum core is incorporated into my sessions. This will assist in my professional role as a teacher; I have also taken new elements from my research to develop and adapt my role, which in turn has improved my skills as a teacher.
Analyse the LLN and ICT needs of your Learners, as indicated in an initial assessment and Individual Learning Programmes (ILP’s).
The initial assessment is a good starting point for analysing a student’s functional skills and a general approach needs to be taken, if a student thinks they cannot pass a maths exam it does not mean they are numerically incompetent (Gravells, A & Simpson, S (2009). This will help you identify the students’ needs and then using the information gathered will help you as the teacher plan an individual’s learning programme. This will then give the teacher a chance to incorporate specific elements of functional skills within the individuals ILP. This is the first important phase of the teaching and training …show more content…
I have also ensured that these aspects are assessed throughout the course, in order to check both teaching of the subjects being delivered is effective and to identify any student who may require additional support (Gravells, A & Simpson, S (2009) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Sector). This will enable me to adapt my teaching style if needed so that a student or students can have a better understanding of what is being delivered.
Communication is paramount between myself and the students. This involves both speaking and listening to the student. This minimum core skill of language can confirm information has bdelivered correctly. All of the minimum core aspects are explained in my scheme of works as well as how the assessment strategy will work.
Integrating the minimum core, literacy, language, numeracy and ICT into all of my sessions is and has been an integral part of my role as a teacher and one that I still continue to do. Being able to demonstrate my own skills and recognising my student’s abilities is vital to the success of