i) There are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. True
Tbere are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. In prenatal period the skeletal system of girls grows faster as compared to boys. Therefore, at b i girls are ahead of boys in their skeletal development. The period of puberty is about two years earlier for girls than for boys.
ii) Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills. Fasle
Critical periods are the best times for learning particular skills. Such periods are critical for development because during these periods the child is ready to leam a particular skill. For example, a child begins to speak only when she is able to control the movements of the tongue, lips and vocal chords and the brain has developd further. That is, the child must be. biologically ready to speak.
iii) Preschool age children cannot understand cause and effect relationships. – False the preschooler understands cause and effect relationships, she also hows that she can act upon objects and make things happen.
iv) Preschool children do not have a concept of number. True
Acquiring the concept of number involves unhrstanding that each number signifies a quantity, undmtanding one-to-one correspondence, un&rstanding conservation of number and koowing the correct sequence of numbers.
v) Babbling is the earliest form of communication used by the child. False
Crying : The earliest form of communication that a child uses is crying.
(2 x 5 = 10 marks)
2. Explain in detail:
i) Preschool education is important for children.
Preschool education aims at the all-round development of the child, i.e. physical, motor, cognitive, language, social and emotional, by provldlng the child stimulating experiences and opportunities for play and exploration. Prescl~oole ducation becomes important because it provides a setting for a child to learn to relate