Course Description
Unit Content
Reason and purpose for assessment,
Baseline and benchmarking,
Target setting,
Assessment for learning,
Assessment as learning,
Assessment of learning,
Marking, recording and reporting,
Assessment and improving quality of pupils work.
Unit objectives
The learner will:-
1. State reasons and purpose of assessment
2. Describe baselines and benchmarking
3. Describe skills in target setting
4. a) Apply the principles of target setting to the school situation b) Monitor performance of an individual. c) Evaluate the role of natural target
5. Describe types of assessment
6. a) Explain assessment for learning b) Apply principles of assessment for learning
7. a) Explain assessment as learning. b) Apply principles of assessment as learning.
8. a) Explain principles of assessment of learning. b) Analyze principles of assessment of learning. c) Apply principle of assessment of learning.
Course Outline
1. Reasons for Assessment
Diagnosis: helping young people to establish a baseline and understand their progress, strength and develop needs.
Recognition and motivation: recording and rewarding learners' progress and achievement.
Standard setting: confirming levels and thresholds of achievement
Differentiation and selection: enabling employers and higher education providers to understand what young people have achieved, and how individuals compare with their peers.
2. Purpose of Assessment.
Teachers feedback
Assess readiness for future learning
Preparation for life- “life is like this”
Evaluate curriculum effectiveness
Information to others
Statement of curriculum Attainment
Record of progress- over time
3. Baseline and benchmarking
Purpose of baseline scheme
Characteristics of a baseline scheme
Chapter 4. Target Setting
6. Assessment for learning.
Assessment for learning is about supporting