Part 1: Description
A. Title of the test: School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory
B. Acronym used: SMALSI
C. Authors: Stroud, Kathy Chatham & Reynolds, Cecil R.
D. Publisher: Western Psychological Services
E. Year of publication: 2006
F. Intended grade/age level of use: Ages 8-12, 13-18
G. Intended purpose: To measure strategies students actively employ in learning and test taking
H. Test category: Study skills
I. Description of test components: A manual, test forms for child and teen, profile sheets for child and teen, scoring template for child and teen, audio CD, and handbook.
Part II. Mental Measurements Yearbook
A. Yearbook number: 18
B. Summary of test review by Christine Novak & Claudia Wright: The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) is a self-report tool designed to determine student performance across a comprehensive set of behaviors representing learning strategies, academic motivation, and test-taking. SMALSI is written at a third grade reading level and can be administered to students individually or in a group. SMALSI is intended to be used with school-aged youth and can be used in the general education or special education classroom. Scoring is straightforward and uses scale rather total scores in order to easily examine areas of strength and weakness. According to Claudia Wright, the SMALSI is a useful tool for school personnel to identify discrete skills that may boost achievement following intervention Part III. Publisher’s Website
A. Publisher’s website for this test:
B. Overview of pricing:
1. $267.50 per complete kit including manual, 25 child test forms, 25 child profile sheets, child scoring template, 25 teen test forms, 25 teen profile sheets, teen