Designing an Evaluation Method My primary health goal in the nation is to improve the overall health of the diabetes people by years 2020. Diabetes is a disease is that contributes significantly to death and disability among Chicagoans. The Healthy People 2020 objective is to reduce diabetes- related deaths to no more than 34 per 100,000 people (USDHHS, 2013). The concept of educational approaches would improve the diabetes disease knowledge of healthcare providers and also education approach promoting healthy lifestyle habits and patient empowerment is an effective strategy with the potential to decrease the development of complications related to diabetes as well as the socioeconomic costs of the disease (Gaglianalio …show more content…
& Etchegoyem, 2001). As a nurse educator, my responsibility is to provide patients with the most current and evidence- supported information to assist in the decision- making process.
Providing the most current information to baccalaureate programs nursing students would prepare the next generation of nurses to have consistent evidence-based practice to educate their clients.
My proposal of practicum project is focusing in improving the level of diabetes diseases process and manifestation knowledge in a baccalaureate nursing program. The recognizing objectives that would improve my approaches for attaining my goal as followed:
At the end of this practicum experience I will be able to: 1-Develop a lesson plan that utilizes learner- centered strategies to engage the learners.
2- Create a lesson plan that prepares baccalaureate nursing students to care for patients with diabetes.
3-Develop a lesson plan that increases baccalaureate students’ knowledge of diabetes.
Criteria needed to evaluate the practicum project The purpose of practicum project evaluation is to improve practicum project effectiveness and demonstrate accountability.
Evaluation may be developmental, intended to deliver direction for the development and implementation of an outcome-oriented (Billings & Halstead, 2012). Evidence-based practice (EBP) is decision- making on the care delivery to patients, which is based on current identified and validated research evidence, consumers’ preferences, expert opinions and society expectation(Adams & Barron, 2010). This requires the baccalaureate nurses to make clinical decision pertaining to patient’s care. Therefore, the best clinical decision -making should be based on EBP with the intention to achieve quality patient …show more content…
outcome. The evidence or criteria need to evaluate my practicum project are followed. (1)Utilize current nursing literature related to program evaluation that focuses on comprehensive evaluation, rather than specific elements of the practicum project,(2)Utilization of recommended guidelines and having knowledge of the diabetes process will enable the evaluator to accurately interpret observations, evaluate whether the goals were achieved and whether the teaching methods used were appropriate and effective for the situation, (3) Acquire skills in peer observation; establish the context of the class session, and integration and interpretation of student evaluation feedback.
How will success be determined? What are the benchmarks for each element of evidence and what constitutes “pass/fail”, etc.? A course evaluation is a significant part of managing a program because it points out if the learner’s needs are met or not. Success will be determined through evidence that measures outcomes of the activities, and indicators of program achievements. Benchmarks are used for the measure of a best practice. Benchmarking is the process of identifying benchmarks and applying them for performance improvement (Billings, 2007). The process benchmarking involves sharing successful program indicatives and learning from other’s success. Benchmark can be used in diabetes care and management, and patient education. Benchmark may evaluate the practicum project throughout the term of the evaluations by identifying a point for comparison that reflects student’s satisfaction of the entire course. Using benchmarks to assess processes, practices, and outcomes can provide comparative feedback that can guide the quality improvement process with diabetes patients and their caregivers.
Evaluation methods during the practicum project
During the evaluation, I will use the process indicators to help me provide feedback and determine if the activities implementing are progressing for desired outcomes. I will follow the Theory-Driven Model because this model provides information on not only the performance of evaluation but on how and why the evaluation achieves such a result (Billings & Hallstead, 2012). The significance of this model during the practicum project lesson is the development and articulation of a clear philosophy. Thus, this model will allow my project lesson process to flow from a theory- based evaluation of diabetes care and management, and education. Observations, checklists, pre and post-test scores will be used as an evidence for evaluation of the project. Tests examinations are a shared, cost- effect, and time effective method of testing knowledge acquisition both as students’ progress in the course and at the conclusion of the course and program (Gaberson & Oermann, 2009). During the evaluation, the theory will direct the evaluation process from identifying variables to be measured to the final report. Resources will be obtained from the nursing department or by the faculty own cost. Most nursing schools write a grant for resources needed.
Formative evaluation strategy Frequent evaluations are essential when the learning process is complex and unfamiliar and when it is considering helpful to anticipate potential problems if the risk of failure is high (Billings & Halstead, 2012). I will create more opportunities for effective feedback and use collected formative data to improve the quality of practicum project. Evaluation activities such as continuous quality assessment lead to the improvement of the program and the achievement of excellence (Keating, 2011). The formative evaluation occur form the beginning to the end of the practicum project.
Summative evaluation strategy I will perform evaluation of my practicum project toward the end of my second semester 2013 to provide evidence on the success or achievements of the project.
I will use summative evaluations to develop best-practice models and to identify areas that require additional improvements for future my practicum project if there is any. Summative evaluations are used to conclude if stakeholders were able to achieve their goals. The summative evaluation always takes place toward the end of a program.
Keating, S.B. (2011). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing education.
Andre, K., & Heartfield, M. (2007). Professional portfolios: Evidence of competency for nurses and midwifes. Australia: Elsevier. References
Gagliardino, J., & Etchegoyen, G. (2001). A Model Educational Program for People with Type2 Diabetes: A cooperative Latin American implementation study.
Adams, S., Barran, S. (2010). Development and testing of evidence based practice questionnaire for school nurses. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 18(1), 35-40.
Billings, D. (2007). Using benchmarking for continuous quality improvement in nursing educations. In M. Oermann & K. Heinrich (Eds.), Annual review of nursing education, volume 5, 2007, 9p.173-180). NY; Springer