Octavius Anderson
Latasha Bennett
One of the biggest issues facing employers and their employees is the issue to finding a balance life between family and work at least that’s my opinion. College grads usually feel permitted to work and life balance. There are many people who struggle with family and work issues, and with that being said there’s no question that trying to balance family and work life is the main topic that has surfaced around many workplaces. When trying to achieve some type of balance between work and family it is serious to your physical and also mental health. When seeking a balance I will try to negotiate with my current employer on the hours I have to take on or I will simply find me a career that fits into my family time.
Corporate America can be the type of work for me if it is flexible most flexible time is the easiest to work and also the most requested. Most flextime has flexibility in when you arrive and departure and also when you take your lunch break. Most organizations that have flexible working hours or days will continue to have employers of choice. Employees has frequently ranked flexible hours or days schedules number one on their list of jobs. Work and family balance has become one of the most important benefits when choosing an employees work place. This shows that workplace flexibility grows business productivity, and also increase parental involvement in children's activities; improve an employee’s health and allow older workers to remain secure in their work, and support both the parents to be working caregivers. These companies set arrangements to attract brilliant employees who want more freedom and control over their work hours and days.
There is indication that maternity pay is good for business in the United States. The government should have a role in taking the responsibility for paid maternity leave. Australia was one of the first countries in the