Assignment 201
Principles of communication in adult social care settings
Assignment composition
Assignment overview
In this assignment, you will complete tasks to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of communication in adult social care settings, and ways to overcome barriers to meet individual needs and preferences in communication. You will also address the issue of confidentiality.
Task Evidence Learning outcomes covered
A Short answer questions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
B Poster 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Task A – Short answer questions
Ai) Describe four different methods of communication. 4 marks
Verbal communication
Non verbal communication (body language, facial expression, touch or contact, signs, symbols and picture)
Written communication
Technological aids (human aids e.g. interpreters, signers, translators)
alternative forms (sign language, lip reading, makaton, braille)
Aii) Identify five different reasons why people communicate. 5 marks
To express themselves
To resolve problems
To Passover information
To build a relationship
Aiii) Give two reasons why it is important to observe the reactions of an individual using the service when you are communicating with them. 4 marks
It is important to observe the reactions of the individual so that you can be sure they are happy with what you've discussed and that they fully understand.
Aiv) Explain why it is important to find out about an individual’s:
a) communication and language needs 2 marks
It is important to know so that any problems can be identified and dealt with accordingly to their needs.
b) wishes and preferences 2 marks
It is important so that the care and support needed is known & Effective for the individual.
Av) Explain how good communication can have a positive effect on the way a