Di – List three hazardous substances that can be found in an adult social care setting. Medication Blood Cleaning Fliuds
Dii – use the table below to describe safe practice for the handling of each hazardous substance.
Body Waste
Cleaning fluids
Cool safe place
Yellow bag in the sluice
Locked away in a safe place
Right person
Right routine
Right time
Right medication
Yellow bag in the sluice
Correct amount and with the right amount of water
Back to the chemist
White bag in the yellow bag into the yellow bin.
Pour the amount that’s left in the bottle down the sink and but the bottle in the bin.
Diii – Identify three common hazards related to handling and storing food.
Cross contamination – always make sure you handle food safety, wash your hands often and use the correct colour coded cutting board.
Food poisoning – make sure that the food is cooked through, make sure it is cooked at the correct temperature and check the use by dates.
Pest control – make sure you empty bins regularly and do not leave any uncovered food out.
Div – Explain how to:
A) Store food safely
Proper storage of food reduces the risk of food poisoning. Some foods need to be kept in the fridge to help stop bacteria growing. These include foods with a ‘use by’ date, cooked foods and ready to eat foods such as desserts and cooked meats.
B) Handle food safely
Bacteria can make people very ill. To help prevent bacteria there are four simple steps to do. Make sure you wash your hands before touching or preparing any foods. Do not cross contaminate any foods at all. Make sure you cook all foods to the correct temperatures. And finally make sure you but foods in the refrigerator promptly.
C) Dispose of food safely
There are many ways to dispose of your food waste, some better for the environment than others. Using food to create compost not only takes care of the disposal, but it also gives you a great organic soil enhancer for your garden. However,