‘’ Biomedical Waste can be defined as any waste, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or immunisation of human beings, or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological ,and including categories mentioned in the schedule.’' - Biomedical waste management rule (1998) ‘’ Biomedical waste is the waste generated by the medical and healthcare institutes/agencies’’ - Keshav swarnkar(2006)
Biomedical waste is any waste which is capable of causing infection and injury or may cay lead to cytotoxic or poisonous effect. - Wikipedia Biomedical waste management-Definition It can be defined as the process of treating the hazardous hospital waste through different steps and ensuring their harmlessness by suitable disposal.
— -wikipedia
Exposure to hazardous health-care waste result in disease or injury due to ;
§ -it contains infectious agents
§ it contains toxic or hazardous chemicals or pharmaceuticals
§ it contains sharps
§ -it is genotoxic
§ -it is radioactive
All individuals exposed to such hazardous health care waste are potentially at risk;the main groups at risk are;
Ø --doctors, nurses, health care auxiliaries and hospital maintenance