Cheryl Bunce
IT302 Linux System Administration
Assignment 4.1:
This assignment covers the Network File System (NFS), Samba, and directory sharing.
1. Submit written answers to the following questions:
a. What command can be used to view a list of directory hierarchies, including the file system type?
Answer: # ls -al
b. What command will display a list of NFS exports?
Answer: # usr/sbin/showmount -e
c. What /etc/exports entry would export a directory named /nfs to all clients on the subnet and give them read-only access?
Answer: # /nfs
d. What entry would you place in /etc/fstab to mount the above export at boot time? Presume the directory hierarchy is being exported by a server named nfsserv, and the mount point is /mnt/nfs.
Answer: mount nfsserv:/mnt /nfs.
e. What command line utility is used to create/change passwords for Samba user accounts?
Answer: smbpasswd' for more information. You must be root or run with sudo to change other users passwords. Change password with the command 'smbpasswd '
# smbpasswd jorge or $ sudo smbpasswd jorge
f. Why is it a bad idea to run swat (Samba Web Administration Tool) across an insecure network?
Answer: SWAT transmits your log-in and password information via unencrypted cleartext. That means anyone sniffing passwords that happens upon your connection can easily gain access to it. Unscrupulous individuals looking for sensitive data that is being transmitted insecurely so they can exploit it.
g. What Samba share will allow users to use their home directories across a Windows network?
Answer: \\homeshare\sharename
h. What is the name of the main Samba configuration file?
Answer: /etc/smb/smb.conf or /etc/samba/smb.conf.
2. Create an entry for the above file that would allow Samba to share a directory named /data. The share should be named Data, should be