1.0 Introduction: the back ground of the COST, Inc.
The Calgary Oil Shale Technologies, Inc. (COST), which is a subsidiary company of an international oilfield services company. The subsidiary company aims to supplying the technology and managing the data which is to optimize the recovery of the oil from oil shale formation in Alberta, Colorado, and Utah. COST Company could distinguish oil-bearing rock layers which could help energy companies gain higher productivity from the oil shale production.
COST Company tried their best to grasp the sophisticated technology, thus the COST Company used highly to training the professionals, like the geologists, geophysicists, and the engineers. The COST Company also trained the skilled and semiskilled labor that run the company’s field operations. On the other hand the professional labor and the skilled labor, the two groups always occurs the clashed. As Martin Bouchard as the present and CEO in the COST Company, and his top goals was to introduce teams as a way of solving the morale and productivity problems at the company’s Alberta field operations site. According to those problems the COST Company hired Algoma Howard, who is a First Nations descendant, to be success in solving teamwork. Howard invited Carlos Debrito as the leader worked for the Alberta pilot program, and Debrito is a long-time employee in the COST Company who was highly respect by the employees in the Alberta Office, and Debrito was looking for one final challenging project before his retiring.
There are three functional groups at the Alberta site; they are “operations” group, the “below ground” group, and the “maintenance” group. The “operation” group included the hourly workers who operated and maintained the equipment; the “below ground” group, which are the professionals include the engineers, geologists and geophysicists; the “maintenance” group who are the employees
Bibliography: 1. Susan M. Heathfield (2012) what are the stages of team development [Online] Available at: http://humanresources.about.com/od/teambuilding/f/team_stages.htm (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012) 2. MSG (2012) Team Development- meaning, stages and forming an effective team [Online] Available at: http://www.managementstudyguide.com/team-development.htm (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012) 3. Center for Management & Organization effectiveness (2012) Team Development & Team Building [Online] Available at: http://www.cmoe.com/team-development.htm (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012) 4. Harvard Business Review (2012) Choose the right leadership approach [Online] available at: http://business.time.com/2012/07/27/choose-the-right-leadership-approach/ (Accessed date: 15th, 2012) 5. JoomlArt (2012) Five Approaches to Leadership [Online] Available at: http://www.roxburghmissionalnet.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139:five-approaches&catid=45:leadership&Itemid=89 (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012) 6. WISEGEEK (2012) what is Team Effectiveness? [Online] Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-team-effectiveness.htm#lbss (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012) 7. Mind Tool Ltd (2012) Team Effectiveness Assessment [Online] Available at: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_84.htm (Accessed date: 15th Nov, 2012)