Due: Sunday, August 31 by midnight
The purpose of this assignment is to get your year started off on the right foot with the technology you will use in class. This assignment will help you create accounts (all are free!), get organized, and show your competence with the devices, platforms, and accounts. PLEASE
NOTE: You may not be asked to provide proof of all tasks, but they are highly recommended to complete! Please provide proof of completion and submit as directions describe.
1. Proved that you have successfully logged in to your Lex Two email. You do this by visiting gmail.com . You login in information is as follows. Logins are your username@lex2.net and the password you logon to computers at school …show more content…
(mwilliams@lex2.ORG) (1 point)
2. Prove that you can use Google Drive by creating a course folder. Open up Google drive. Create a folder and share it with Mr. Williams. (you will have to type in my email address to share.)
Name this folder your first name__last name__class (IE- Bob_Smith_US History)
PLEASE NOTE: All course work that needs to be turned in and view by me should be saved here.
(3 points)
3. Create a doc in your Google Drive using Google Docs. In Google Drive, click “Create” and then click
“Document.” For this doc, write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) about your favorite person from history.
(3 points)
4. Share this doc with Mr. Williams. Make sure that you save & move it to your course folder you created in step #2. Check the settings of the document, make sure that Mr. Williams CAN EDIT the document.
This goes for
ALL FUTURE created docs in class.
(1 …show more content…
Think critically about the most efficient, unique, and organized way you will prove your proofs.
Do not make this harder than it seems
, sometimes we feel we have to be overly complex, but even simplicity can demonstrate the right amount of complexity. Keep these requirements in mind:
Keep track of necessary links to share (consider making tiny urls for easy access)
All necessary links must be hyperlinked
All necessary links should be stored on an original Google Doc
Share this doc with Mr. Williams in the course folder you created
Contact me via email ASAP if you run into a problem. This deadline does not change!
Provide a link to your Google doc of links/proof on a class shared document. Please add your name in the box and your link. This is what I will use to grade!
a. 1st- US History- Honors
b. 2nd- US History- CP
c. 4th- Psychology
1. Follow me on Twitter @mr_williams_ahs. Send me a direct message with your name (2 points)
2. Email me your parent(s)’ name(s) if they are signed up for Remind101. Make the email subject line “Remind101
Extra Credit” (1 point for you, and each of your parents)
31+ = A
30-27= B
26- 23= C
22- 18= D
<17 =