
Assistan Epic Tale Summary

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Assistan Epic Tale

The empire of Assistan Priscus Nikon a half god half human who strikes fear into everyone heart whom dares tries to fight him. He ruled over billions and they all love him as a great leader and a friend to all. He has never developed any scars due to his full regeneration of his body and never beaten against because of his super strength. He was the greatest warrior this world has ever known and ever will know. His mother was a poor, but very a beautiful maiden whom livelihood was her body. One day she met the god Chrysanthos Cephalus and slept with him and soon after had a child. When she had him the only thing she could do is cry knowing that her child would have to be sent away due to her lifestyle. All she
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They start to follow the path that the dragon and find a witch named Kamila on the path she stops them and give them a glare and says “why do you travel on a path that leads to nowhere?” Assistan said “we are going to slay the dragon that destroyed our village and kidnapped our people.” Kamila smiles then has a grim look and stares at Ixil and says “What do are you planning to do on this path you have taken.” Ixil stares her down then smiles and said “The same to slay the dragon that destroyed my village.” there is a sudden silence that makes everyone uneasy Karmila says “ok but beware of valley strange thing have been happening over there.” She pulls Assistan to the side and say “be careful of your friend over their i sense darkness ruling his heart.” Assistan says “are you crazy he has been my friend since the beginning he would never betray me.” The witch says “I never said he would betray you but he is not just on the trip to get your people back or slay the dragon he has another motive for going on the trip so watch your friend if you want him to live.” Assistan looks concerned “Thank you may the gods protect you.” Karmilia smiles “Son I don’t believe in the gods anymore but thanks for the gesture see you

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