Plate Tectonics Worksheet
Answer the lab questions for this week and summarize the lab experience using this form.
Carefully read Ch. 8 of Geoscience Laboratory.
Complete this week’s lab by filling in your responses to the questions from Geoscience Laboratory. Although you are only required to respond to the questions in this worksheet, you are encouraged to answer others from the text on your own.
Questions and charts are from Geoscience Laboratory, 5th ed. (p. 133-150), by T. Freeman, 2009, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted with permission.
Lab Questions:
8.4 Which has the greater proportion of Iron, Magnetite, or Hematite?
8.7 When the reverse switch of a drill is thrown the drill rotates in the opposite direction. How does that affect the drill’s circuitry?
The flow of electricity produces a magnetic field and a loop of wire within a magnetic field produces a flow of electricity, when the switch is thrown it reverses the magnetic field making drill spin in the direction of the current flow.
.9 Name the 2 other spheres.
8.11 As Columbus’s fleet sailed westward the discrepancy between magnetic north and celestial north changed. Did it increase of decrease?
Decreased, North magnetic pole deviates approximately 11 percent from the geographic pole.
8.12 Explain the difference in the orientations of the inclined compass needles in figure 8.18. Toward which cardinal direction is the observer facing?
The needle of the compass dips downward in the northern hemisphere and upward in the southern hemisphere.
8.16 During which of these 5 geologic periods were Europe and North America most different in their positions with Earth’s magnetic field?
8.17 Place the 3 kinds of reefs in figure 8.26 in their order of succession from oldest first to youngest last.
Fringing reefs are the oldest, the next oldest would be the barrier reefs, and the youngest reefs are the atoll.
8.18 What explains the shrinking of ocean