Soccer is the world’s most popular sport. It is the national sport of most European and Latin-American countries and many other nations. Millions of people in more than 140 countries play soccer. Soccer is one of the most famous international sports. There are three distinct reasons that soccer is so widely popular.
I- Soccer is a relatively easy game to learn and play.
II- It provides many physical benefits and
III- Has the ability to benefit cultures by bringing countries together.
I- Soccer is an easy game to learn. Many children start to play the game around the age of three. Actually, as soon as most kids learn to walk they learn to kick a ball around which is a key component of soccer. Very little equipment is needed to play soccer. This adds to its accessibility to the masses. All that is needed to play the game of soccer is a soccer ball, shin guards, and goalie equipment. A soccer game may be played either indoors or outside. It is played on a rectangular field with a goal net on each short side of the field. A soccer team is comprised of 11 players. All players must hit the ball with their feet or body and only the goalie is allowed to touch the ball with his or her hands. A soccer game begins with a kick off en the center of the field. A coin is flipped to decide which team will kickoff. The other team kicks of at the start of the second half. At this time the teams also switch sides or nets. After a team scores the other team gets to kickoff to begin play again. The kickoff takes place in the middle of the field. When the ball is kicked it must travel the circumference of the ball and touch another player before the kicker can touch the ball again. After the ball is in play it remains in play unless it crosses a goal line or a touch line. All players attempt to stop the ball from coming in there zone while at the same time trying to score a goal. A player may kick the ball into the net with any part of the body except