1. Identify the key business issues and opportunities for AtekPC that are motivating the PMO Initiative.
- PC industry concerns: transitioning from a growth sector to a much more mature one, cost pressures, consolidation initiatives.
- The need to streamline operations, identify new products and markets that eventually maintain revenue growth and boost profitability.
- Opportunity to develop more efficient supply chains, lowering cost of distribution and create better internal organizational synergies.
- The company is moving from mid-size projects to larger and more complex projects that need formalized processes and standards, stronger project managers and organizational structural requirements.
2. Identify the ways the PMO Initiative is intended to enable AtekPC to deal with these issues.
The PMO can help them better compete by lowering overall costs and create efficient internal resource utilization. It will provide standardization in managing complex projects and gain improvements in the planning and performance of the projects. Additionally, it will enable them to better handle and manage multiple projects, and improve overall quality. Furthermore, standardization can create rich repository of knowledge that can be shared across the organization and in future projects.
3. How has project management been done at AtekPC pre-PMO?
Prior to PMO, projects were handled in an informal manner. Lead analysts were assigned as project managers based on requirements and no formalization of practices. Individualized documentation, practices and tools is done by lead analyst but with no consistency across IT groups or business areas.
4. Name the models proposed for the AtekPC PMO.
PMO-Heavy and PMO-Light
5. What are the characteristics of each proposed model for the AtekPC PMO?
- Full staff of project managers managing all IT projects
- Full control, management and authority by the PMO
- A team of expert staff members