Q1. Explain the development of attachment in infants. [Criteria 1.1 & 1.2)(500 words)
(You are expected to consider the original explanation given by Bowlby and the alternative explanation by Schaffer and Emerson. I.e. Monotrophy vs. Multiple attachment and the stages as described by Bowlby) 529 words
John Bowlby believed that in the early stages of child development the maternal relationship was the basis of the child becoming an emotionally balanced adult. He believed that the relationship should stem from a monotrophy maternal figure or substitutes loving, caring and consistent relations with the child. Bowlby believed that if a relationship was not formed then the child would be less able to form social relationships in adulthood, and would develop behavioural disorders. * Preattachment phase- birth – 6wks, baby’s innate signal attract caregiver, caregivers remain close by when the baby responds positively * Attachment in the Making – 6wks to 6-8mths, Child develops a trust in the caregiver and responds quickly to signals from the main caregiver. The baby is social with others without showing distress * Clear cut Attachment – 6-8mth – 18-24 mths – Babies protest at caregiver leaving and show separation anxiety * Formation of Reciprocal Relationship- 18mth – 2yrs, Toddlers increase communication and understanding of the environment advances, they understand parent’s patterns and symbols of routine i.e. mothers leave and return
Bowlby calls the early years of the Childs development the critical stage, whereby it is important for the child to form an attachment with the mother to build its internal working model of how to better perform cognitively and socially. (Lafreniere, P. 2001).
Bowlby bases the child’s development on the internal working model; the child’s way of learning and understanding how relationships are formed, where the mother the
References: Adoption.com. 2010. Encyclopedia of Adoption. [online]. Available from: http://encyclopedia.adoption.com/entry/Romanian-adoptions/316/1.html [Accessed: 17th June 2010] Bently, J Bowlbly, J . 1944. 44 Juvenile Thieves: Their Character and Home Life. [online]. Available from: http://www.psychology.sunysb.edu/ewaters/349/PDF%20files/44Thieves/44_thieves.pdf [Accessed: 17th June 2010] Changing minds Child Development Insitute. 2010. Stages of Social-Emotional Development In Children and Teenagers. [online]. Available from: http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/development/erickson.shtml [Accessed: 24th June 2010] Davenport, G,C Lafreniere, P. 2001.Attachment Between Infant and Caregiver. [online]. Available from: Murvin, R Psychology4a.com. 2010. Attachment in Development. [online]. Available from: http://www.psychology4a.com/attachments_in_development.htm [Accessed: 19th June 2010] Schaffer, R,H Teaching Expertise. 2010 Attachment theory. [online]. Available from: http://www.teachingexpertise.com/articles/attachment-theory-1116 [Accessed: 10th June 2010] --------------------------------------------