Kevin Greene
CMGT/441 David Kell
June 24, 2013
One of the most common concerns in putting together a comprehensive information security plan is to have a watchful eye on your own team members and fellow employees within the company. The people on the inside are the one’s who are granted the most access in the first place, therefore taking the appropriate precautions concerning them is of the utmost importance.
The article I read online through the website was written about this very subject and how a company can help secure their network and information from the inside out. The article was written by Matthew Swartz on May 13, 2012. Although the article is just over one year old, I found that all the points in Mr. Swartz’s article are still valid and can be applied today without having to adapt for the year’s time. The author takes the common “Top 10” approach to help get his point across, easily separate and emphasis each individual point all while not overwhelming the reader with a lot of blended information. Using the Top 10 method helps to simulate extended bullet points which keeps the reader feeling like each bullet point read is another step closer to completing the article. It is essentially counting down the article, bullet point by bullet point. This approach works well because it gives information in bursts instead of the entire article going back and forth in order to cover all the points. The reader is actually reading the same amount of material but it seems, psychologically that it is shorter than the other format. It is a win-win for both the author and the reader.
The article starts off with the suggestion of guarding the crown jewels first and with the most resources. The author refers to his interview with Dawn Cappelli, technical manager Carnegie Mellon University’s CERT Insider Threat Center, as validation for points being made. The idea of
References: Swartz, M. (2012, May). 10 Best Ways to Stop Insider Attacks. InformationWeek. Retrievedfrom to-stop-insider-attacks/232602440 on June 21st, 2013