Doris McCants
American InterContinental University
I’ve been asked by Attorney Cheatham to do some research concerning the case for Mr. G. Ilty Assin, who has been charged with attempt to commit murder in the first degree. He is pleading to be innocent and therefore he has hired our firm to represent him in his case.
To Attorney Cheatham
Concerning: Mr. Assin
Explain the elements of murder including what is required to convict someone of attempt to commit murder.
The elements of murder are, the intention to kill, recklessness causing death, the intention of inflicting grievous bodily harm. The requirement of convicting someone of attempt to commit murder the People must prove that the defendant took at least one direct but ineffective step toward killing another person. A direct step is one that goes beyond planning or preparation and shows that a person is putting his or her plan into action.
Explain whether or not Mr. Assin committed attempt to commit the murder of Sally’s husband.
I don’t believe Mr. Assin committed attempt to commit the murder of Ms. Sally’s husband, he did not make a direct step that goes beyond planning or preparation to putting a plan in action.
Explain why or why he has not committed the crime.
The evidence against Mr. Assin does not look good, however in order to commit a crime one has to plan and make preparation and put the plan into action and he has not done this. Ms. Sally has put the plan into action she made preparation but in the midst of making her plans she met the wrong person at the restaurant, she believed she was dealing the person she had asked to kill her husband which was an undercover officer. Mr. Assin happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, he thought the lady was coming on to him and so he followed along with her. He even ordered the same drink and wink back at her, but never once did he talk