Attitudes are judgments There is nothing more trying to the human soul that someone else's bad attitude! And where do bad attitudes come from? Basically speaking, "Attitudes are caught, not taught." So, attitudes often go hand in hand with prejudice. All is not lost, however, in that attitudes can be greatly influenced, eradicated, and molded. Attitudes are how values are manifested in our actions and thoughts to others. ATTITUDES are our feelings towards certain idea or issues. Attitudes dictate how we react in concrete situations. Authors reveal certain attitudes within their texts whether these texts be fiction or non-fiction, print or non-print. Attitudes are conveyed through the use of specific language which positions you to accept the authorÕs attitudes Ð ÔterroristÕ for example immediately positions us to regard the person in a negative light. As readers or viewers, we need to be aware that texts position us to accept certain attitudes so that we can either accept or reject these attitudes . Our ATTITUDES are the manifestation of our VALUES - they are expressed through what we SAY or DO -
Values reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong or what “ought” to be. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior. Values are an integral part of every culture. With worldview and personality, they generate behavior. Being part of a culture that shares a common core set of values creates expectations and predictability without which a culture would disintegrate and its members would lose their personal identity and sense of worth. Values tell people what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable, constructive...etc. They answer the question of why people do what they do. Values help people solve