Comparison and Contrast:
Places Where People Live and
Student’s Name: Shirley Gao
Student ID#: SHSA23142
Teacher: Mike Cooke
Due Date: 13 May 2013
Word Count: 1055
Question: Compare and contrast attitudes towards students taking a gap year in your country and in U.K. Use specific examples and provide appropriate evidence to explain your answer.
Are you finishing year 12 this year and uncertain about next year? Why not have a gap
year? A gap year is referring to a period of time which a student take time off and do
something other than schooling, such as travel or work. Gap year is become more and more
popular in UK and other foreign countries, but nearly no Chinese students taking a gap year.
Firstly, students who have a gap year abroad may have a culture shock when they back to
China. Secondly, most of Chinese parents oppose their children to have a gap year and they
think it is a kind of waste of time and money. Thirdly, Chinese students are suffer a great
stress that they do not have time. All in all, gap year is well-developed in UK compared to
Gap year is not well-developed in China for the three following main reasons. First, many
students prefer to go abroad during the gap year, they think it can not only broaden their
horizons but also learn a new language. Nonetheless, they have a big culture shock after
they back to China. The food, manner, weather, lifestyle and the time are all different, so
they have to spend a long time adapting it. Second, most of Chinese parents do not allow
and support their children to do what they want, and think it’s a kind of waste of time and
money. As a result, children cannot pursue the career that they really loved and have a break
after so many years of schooling before they launch into their tertiary
References: James, P. (March 2013), Chinese parents bemoan their children’s laziness and greed, but this generation of young people has had enough[online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 May 2013] Nancy, G. (April 20, 2010), Students in China among the world 's most stressed, include China Daily.[online]. Availablefrom: [Accessed 12 May 2013] Report(2011), Reasons not to let a child go on a gap year[online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 May 2013] Tim, R. (July 2011), Gap years risk being seen as western 'colonialism '[online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 May 2013] The gap year in England[online]. Available from: http://Gap%20Year%20in%20England%20%20England_edu.htm [Accessed 12 May2013] Leah, A.(2008), 'Becoming a volunteer teacher in my gap-year was without a doubt the best decision I have ever made '[online]. Available from: http://www.oyster-worldwide-case-study.htm [Accessed 12 May 2013] The benefits of a gap year[online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 May 2013], Parents help gap year travelers in UK.[online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 May 2013]