1. Self awareness- knows who he is, what he is good and what he likes to do
2. Self motivated – known as drive, self motivation is one of the most important personality traits of successful entrepreneur
3. Courage - willingness to take risks is a valuable traits when striving for success
4. Confidence - positive thinking is a major step in the direction of success
5. Positive thinker - entrepreneur are positive thinkers. Wealth does not always come to the most intelligent or the most ambitious individuals.
6. Patience -when one owns who his business, there will be times when feels like the roof of craving-in.
7. Decisiveness - one should go with his intuition and trust that he is doing the right thing
8. Experience - as a key component for growth
9. Information seeking – entrepreneur should seek information with client and competitors, seek advice.
10. Perseverance - must be willing to persevere during rough times
11. Drive - needs to be totally committed
12. Risk taking - prefer tasks, which provide them some challenges
13. Innovation - creative, they do things in new and different ways
14. Opportunity-seeking – readily identifies opportunities for going into or to improve his business
15. Demand for efficiency and quality - entrepreneur always strives to find ways to do things better, faster and at a lower cost
16. Systematic planning and monitoring - introduces some system in achieving his goals by breaking this goal into short term and long term goals
17. Persuasion and networking - easy establishes a network or personal and business contacts around them