Appendix B
Audience-Focused Communication Matrix
Use the matrix to complete the information. Write 3-4 sentences for each item.
• What are some audience characteristics you need to consider? • What communication channels would be appropriate and why? • What would you do to ensure your message is effective? • What are some considerations you must keep in mind given the diversity of the audience?
|Audience-Focused Communication |
|Audience |Audience Characteristics |Channels of Communication |Strategies to Ensure Effective |Audience Diversity Considerations |
| | | |Messages | |
|Managers |A manager could be considered the |Although this message is being delivered |In order to ensure the effectiveness |When speaking to the management team, the |
| |primary audience, or a gatekeeper who |face-to-face, it will be important to have |of the message, I am going to need to |diversity of the audience is going to be |
| |will control whether or not the primary|some visuals as well. If the company has |keep the message short and to the |slim. They are managers because they know |
| |audience will receive the message. This|the technological resources available, each|point. Keeping on track is essential |the business, and it is likely that if they |
| |audience will have integrity and |member of the meeting should have a copy of|to the deliverance of the