Matthew Stalsworth
Central Michigan University
Authentic leadership is an emerging theory in recent years. This paper firstly introduces definitions of authentic leadership. Then discusses related viewpoints and approaches of authentic leadership. The authentic leadership questionnaire (ALQ) is a measurement tool used in authentic leadership and is briefly reviewed. Finally, I make suggestions for future research in the study authentic research theory.
Authentic Leadership
Have you ever said that a person is a born leader? Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be more authentic about themselves than others? Is it instinct, an in born personality trait, or is authentic leadership learned? What unique qualities do authentic leaders possess? How come there are so few authentic leaders? How is authentic leadership recognized? Can anyone actually become an authentic leader? Can we assume that authentic leadership is the best type of leadership?
Over the last few decades, many people have asked these questions. As a result, the topic of leadership has gained the attention of researchers worldwide and a multitude of books has been published. As Northouse (2013) points out, leadership is a complex process, “as many as 65 different classification systems have been developed to define the dimensions of leadership and there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it” (p. 2). As someone in a position of leadership, it is essential to recognize and develop a personal style they can implement.
Authentic leadership is presented as a root construct of all positive, effective forms of leadership (Avolio et. al., 2005), including spiritual, ethical, servant, and transformational leadership. Avolio (2003) defines authentic leadership in organizations as “a process
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