Defining Leadership
Leadership Defined
‘Leadership is at its best when its vision is strategic, the voice persuasive and the results tangible. In the study of leadership, an exact definition is not essential but guiding concepts are needed’. Useem1 Definition of Leadership Establishing a single definition of leadership has its challenges: * Leadership has many contexts: from political, military, business, sports and culture, right through every level and section of society, our communities and families * We all have our individual experiences and expectations of leadership: from vision and inspiration to serving others or power and control * Views on what effective leadership is have evolved over time e.g. from issuing orders to inspiring and empowering * Successful leadership is defined by the situation e.g. Winston Churchill is not viewed as a particularly successful peacetime leader. Also, it is often remarked that the leadership styles and strengths of CEOs employed in a crisis to ‘turnaround’ failing organizations are very different to those needed to grow them.
At its most basic, leadership in an organization can be defined as influencing others to achieve the organization’s goals and deliver its vision.
Many writers have observed however, that in order to inspire and motivate people to achieve these goals, the goals themselves need to be viewed as ‘worthwhile’ or for some greater purpose. Delivering the organization’s goals needs to deliver a benefit to customers, the
Leadership - What is leadership?
Leadership is not an end in itself, but a means to bring out the best in people, to inspire and motivate them to commit their energies, skills and talents to delivering the organization’s vision.
As leadership is focused on the Vision it is all about the 'future ' focus. Leadership seeks to find new opportunities for individuals and the organization to be a success in the future . That