According to Bob Terry (1993), authentic leadership is an awareness by the leader of what is proper and tangible inside the leaders self, the team and organizaiont as it relates to what is accurate and tangible in his or her world. Leaders who are authentic are confident, hopeful, optimistic and reseilent people who deeply they think and behave. When an individual connect their personal values with the actions they take authenticity happens. Moreover, authentic leaders bulk at defining their leadership characterists or dwell on styles od leadership since they are character driven. They have developed their own style of leadership based on what they have learned or experienced and this determines the consistency they maintain that is part of their character and personality. Authenticity is a field of study that came into being due to the plea for improve ethics in leadership due to a number of 21st century leaders involvement in corporate scandals. Authentic leaders show integrity at a high level with a strong committment to buiding an organization based on the purpose, value, and self-discipline. Delauer (2012) maintains that the authenticay of leaders is influended a great deal by society and the person’s culture. …show more content…
While Sparrowe (2005) disagrees with Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, and Peterson, (2008) theory that argue that this leadership approach is more narcissistic. However, Walumbwa et al. (2008) noted that “a core prediction of authentic leadership theory is that the leaders espoused values/beliefs and actions become aligned over time and across varying situational challenges”(p.105). However, Algera and Lips-Wiersma (2012) disagree, explaining that Walumbwa ignores the point that those who follow the leader have their own beliefs and values and these may be different from the leaders’ and this conflict might cause deviation rather than coming