Parents are environmentalists who control the growth of the children’s social and influential ability by taking numerous decisions which reveal customary child – nurture practices and parenting styles as well as qualities and tendencies of individual parents. These many decisions relate to questions such as how much television will children be permitted to watch? Should children be slapped when they behave badly? How essential to a child’s diet are fruits, milk, vegetables, and vitamins? These decisions which parents need to make concerning the total welfare of their children have categorized them (parents) into various types. Two of these types are authoritative parent and permissive parent who have diverse characters. Although the motive of both authoritative parent and permissive parent is to foster the total wellness of their children through influence, teaching, and controlling, these two types of parents differ greatly in their habits and behaviors towards their children.
One important disparity in the behaviors and habits of the authoritative parent and the permissive parent towards their children is observed in what they believe will aid their children’s well being. Authoritative parents consider establishing an intimate and fostering bond with their children and at the same time sustaining and preserving a logically great level of expectations and regulations. For example, authoritative parents set up for their children comprehensive and reasonable rules which are age suitable and consider unique situations, behavior, and future changes. Unlike authoritarian parents, permissive parents believe in less or no control over their children,and as such permissive parents consider establishing set rules or regulations unnecessary because permissive parents believe that children must learn how to behave through their own knowledge.
Another vital difference in the behaviors and habits of