An authoritative parent actively participates in the parent child relationship by allowing open communication and dialogue along with defining clear rules and consequences. Balswick & Balswick (2014) describe “authoritative parenting” by saying:
Authoritative parents attempt to direct the child in a rational, issue-oriented manner; encourage verbal give-and-take; explain the reasons behind demands and discipline but also use power when necessary; expect the child to conform to adult requirements but also to be independent and self-directing; recognize the rights of both adults and children; and sets standards and enforce them firmly (p.114).
Further, Balswick and Balswick (2014) stress that children tend to thrive in this type of high support, high control parenting style (p. 114). In this type of parenting style, it appears that the parents ensure the child is an active participant throughout, and encourage a level of independence, as well as offer support during failures. It’s important to mention that the increased level of guidance in this parenting style, strengthens the child’s self-esteem and empowers the child to make confident decisions. Finally, there are firm boundaries in this parenting style …show more content…
I must add the importance of divine instruction through the Scripture, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as parenting can be complex and frustrating. I am guilty of allowing frustrations to seep through and become a destructive force in my parenting, but find comfort that my Heavenly Father understands my parental frustration. Balswick & Balswick (2014) summarize the growth of the family through God’s influential love by saying, “As we grow in this circle of covenant, grace, empowerment, and intimacy, we experience a deeper and more intense level of God’s love and our love for one another”