The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between economic development and authoritarian governments. The objectives of this study are to find out whether authoritarian governments an impediment to economic growth and how the authoritarian governments are performing economically compared to the developed democratic nations. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach. In the first part of the study questionnaires were given to 40 students from International Islamic University Malaysia to find out their view on economic development and authoritarian government. In the second part, a comparison is done between the economic indicators of developed democratic nations and a group of selected authoritarian governments. The data suggests that an authoritarian government also can bring economic development to a nation.
Economic Development of a country and their political stability are always interconnected. If the society thinks that they are being worsened off by the current political system, it can lead to a political instability in the society. On the other hand, if the economy is politically unstable, it will reduce the incoming investment from abroad at the same time slowing down the development of a nation. That’s why it is always the goal of political economy to understand how institutional arrangements shape policy outcomes and human well-being.
There has been some debate among the scholars about the degree to which institutional arrangements affect the economic development of a nation. Some researchers suggest a high economic growth among autocratic institutions is a proof that a “benevolent autocrat” can overcome the political obstacles necessary to create economic growth (Easterly, 2011). As a result, some suggest a benevolent autocrat is a necessity and an important factor for economic development during the primary stages of economic growth.