Ava DuVernay’s documentary, a Netflix original, “13TH” released in October 17, 2016 can be described, as a provocative documentary since its major purpose is to expose the racial inequalities forged by the criminal justice system and government policy. The documentary has demonstrated that since the formation of the nation racial monitories have experienced inequalities beginning with slavery, which later then trances to modern day prison. The transition from slavery to prison is due the exploitation of the loophole found in the 13th amendment, which states “except as a punishment for a crime.” In other words the loophole states that unless you are a criminal you do not have the right to be free. Eventually the loophole
was exploited, which is what lead to the first prison boom after the Civil War. The massive incarceration after the Civil War is nor different from todays prison rates. Since 25% of the United States population is behind bars and much of that percentage mostly pertains to be Black or Hispanic individuals. It is clearly seen that the mass incarceration continues to disseminate what was slavery. Moreover, the documentary sets a major focus on the prison system in the United States since it has striped away an excessive amount of prisoners who are Black. A percentage of individuals that only keeps increasing through time due to the governmental policy that oppresses racial minorities. For instance, the documentary touches aspects from the civil rights movement where activist are deemed criminals because the media has portrayed to be criminals.