The Avengers Assemble Essay
The Avengers Assemble Film (2012), directed by Joss Whedon, is a superhero film which is produced by Marvel Studios. The movie follows 7 iconic Marvel characters, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Dr Bruce Banner aka Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson). All the characters join together on their mission to save the Earth from the villain, Loki (Tom Hiddleston). The film is set on a spaceship. The budget for the film was $220,000,000 and managed to get 1.5 billion box offices. In the essay I will be analysing the scene where Black Widow Interrogates Loki in the Prison. I will be looking at two of the micro features, Mise en Scene and Cinematography. Mise en Scene, includes three aspects, setting, performance and movement, and costumes and props. The second micro feature, cinematography includes, camerawork, colours, and lighting.
The start of the scene is set on a Spaceship in modern day time. The camera is on a panning shot on Loki’s face, the lighting on his face is shadowed to show the mystery and uncertainty of his character. He senses that black widow is behind him and his facial expression shows happiness in the fact that he wanted her to be there. When black widow is shown on screen, the shot used is a long shot, this suggests that she is exposed to Loki and there is no where for her to hide. However, low key lighting is used on her, which means there could be a hidden intention she has. The costume widow is wearing is black and very fitting and tight on her body frame, which proposes that she is a character of trust, authority, and order. Reverse shot is used for the vast majority of their conversation, and then the camera pans as Widow walks towards Loki in the prison this could mean that she has no fear of the villain. Long shot is used on Loki to show that he is now being exposed