A center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance.
Is growing urbanization a boon or menace?
After the industrial revolution urban population all over the world is increasing. There is a rapid migration of rural people to urban areas for jobs and better living. As a result the population in the towns and cities are increasing and rural population is dwindling. The rapid in rush of people to the urban areas is pressuring its limited space and cause all type of health and environmental hazards.
Advantages of Urbanization:
1. Growth in industrial productions: The production in various industrial sectors like cement, iron and steel, textile, fertilizers etc., are helping in the economic growth of the country. Export increase and this forest reserve increases.
2. Growth in trade and commerce: Urbanization helps the nation's business sector. Rural people came to the urban places with their goods.
3. Development in tourism industries: People from foreign countries are attracted to good cities and towns having better transport facilities. Tourism is a good source of foreign currency for a country.
4. Improvement in Science, Culture etc.: Urban places are the meeting point of all good cultures of various localities. Education, science and technology developments take place in urban places improving the society as a whole.
Disadvantages of Urbanization:
1. The rapid inflows of rural population to urban places give rise to housing problem and thus slums are developed in these places.
2. The decrease in rural population effects the agricultural productions due to shortage of workers in rural areas.
3. The increase in population in urban places pressurize water and sanitation facilities. It results in environmental pollution, health hazards etc..
4. The unemployment increases in urban areas. Due to the various criminal activities, corruption etc. increases affecting the law and order system.
Nowadays, the issue of urbanization is more frequently discussed than ever before due to its increasing impacts on lives and on the environment. The advantages of urbanization could be better economy and education and also less land to be used for agricultural purposes. In contrast, this phenomenon could result in poor living and working conditions and some negative effects on the air quality.
First, many people hope that if they move to live in a big city they could have higher-income jobs and better education. For example, Beijing is believed to be a dream land to many Chinese citizens. This is where many domestic and foreign companies are located so many young people from the rural areas of the country have moved to this city to look for occupation. These people wish to earn some money and send them to their struggling families. Other people, however, want their children to have the best education they can have. Often high-ranked schools or universities with well-trained teachers are in this city. Moreover, since the youth of the country sides have gone, there are not many people left to do the agricultural works so there will be less land to be exploited to produce agriculture products. This can be argued a good impact on the environment.
However, the critics of urbanization argue that as too many people move to major cities in recent years, there is greater competition for jobs. This means only people with greatest ability can remain staying in these cities. Often they have to work the jobs that they have to exert themselves so hard, such as the works in construction sites, and are often in dangers which can cause death to them. Big cities nowadays are facing the problems of overpopulation and the most obvious is the lack of space for people to live. Often, people from poor villages when they move to an urban area they have no choice but to live in the places which have no electricity and clean drink water. Some people even have to live under a bridge or in a park. Moreover, the expansion of city often leads to trees have to be cut off for buildings to rise. The reduced amount of trees can be easily linked to a rapid fall in the quality of air which can severely damage the health of many people.
In conclusion, after considering both sides of urbanization, more bad is felt to be resulted from this phenomenon than good. As such, the rapid increasing trend in the number of city life should be carefully managed by strict policies.
Advantages of urbanization:
-it helps to develop our country easily because in urban area there are many facilities like road, communication, transportation, electricity and so on but it has also disadvantages such as deforestration, pollution etc will be taken place.
To begin with, provision of better amenities as an advantage of urbanization. It is said that increasing urbanization provides communities with social and cultural benefits as well as access to education and health services. With the development of the area many services are now being located there. It is noted that urbanizations brings with it innovations in technology and modern ideas and ambitions in the people engulfed by what are said to be urban areas
Some of the positive effects of urbanization include increased access to health care and food for people living in those areas. Other benefits include a decrease in the cost of transportation. Another positive effect is the increased availability of work for the people in the city.
Urbanisation has become a common feature of Indian society. Growth of Industries has contributed to the growth of cities. As a result of industrialisation people have started moving towards the industrial areas in search of employment. This has resulted in the growth of towns and cities.
Urbanisation denotes a diffusion of the influence of urban centres to a rural hinterland.
Urbanisation can also be defined as a process of concentration of population in a particular territory.
i. Industrialization:
Industrialization is a major cause of urbanization. It has expanded the employment opportunities. Rural people have migrated to cities on account of better employment opportunities. ii. Social factors:
Many social factors such as attraction of cities, better standard of living, better educational facilities, need for status also induce people to migrate to cities. iii. Employment opportunities:
In rural sector people have to depend mainly on agriculture for their livelihood. But Indian agriculture is depending on monsoon. In drought situations or natural calamities, rural people have to migrate to cities. iv. Modernization:
Urban areas are characterized by sophisticated technology better infrastructure, communication, medical facilities, etc. People feel that they can lead a comfortable life in cities and migrate to cities.
Rural urban transformation:
It is an interesting aspect that not only cities are growing in number but rural community is adopting urban culture, no longer rural communities are retaining their unique rural culture. Rural people are following the material culture of urban people. Urban rural transformation can be observed in the following areas.
Spread of education:
The literacy rate has increased among the rural people. They have become more modernised.
i. Change in Dress habits. ii. Adoption of modern Technology iii. Enlightenment of women. iv. Modern transport and communication. E.g.: Cell phones have become common even among rural people.
v. Active involvement in politics. vi. Growth of infrastructure like Banks, Post office. vii. Awareness among rural consumers. viii. Increasing demand for sophisticated products like cosmetics etc.
Thus it can be noticed that there are significant changes in the life style of village people. Indian villages have adopted urban culture and urban style of living. However, all villages in India are not transformed. Only certain villages situated close to the cities have been transformed.
Effect of Urbanisation:
With a high rate of urbanization significant changes have taken place. The effect of urbanisation can be summed up as follows:
Positive effect:
i. Migration of rural people to urban areas. ii. Employment opportunities in urban centres. iii. Transport and communication facilities. iv. Educational facilities.
v. Increase in the standard of living.
Urbanization can yield positive effects if it takes place up to a desirable limit. Extensive urbanisation or indiscriminate growth of cities may result in adverse effects. They may be as follows:
i. Problem of over population:
Concentration of population is a major problem of cities. It has resulted in accommodation problem, growth of slums etc. ii. Disintegration of Joint family:
Joint family can’t be maintained in cities on account of high cost of living: People prefer to live in the nuclear type of families. iii. Cost of living:
High cost of living is a major problem of cities. In Metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore etc. it is very difficult for lower income groups to maintain a decent standard of living. iv. Increase in Crime rates:
Urban centres are known for high rate of crimes. Theft, Dacoity, Murder, Cheating, Pick pocketing, rape etc. are common in urban centres.
v. Impersonal relations:
Urban centres are characterised by highly secondary relations. The concept of neighbourhood, community life are almost absent in cities. Urban life is highly monotonous. This may have an adverse psychological effect on individuals. People are often self centred and they have no concern for the fellow human beings. vi. Problem of Pollution:
In industrialized cities pollution is a major problems. It may be caused by industries or by excessive movement of vehicles. viii. Stress:
Urban life is characterised by stress which may even strain family relations. In cities employment of women is almost inevitable to meet the increasing cost of living. Changing role of women in the family creates stress in the family which may result in divorce or strained relations.
Thus urbanisation has its own merits and de-merits. Urbanization can’t be avoided. But the negative effect of urbanization can be minimised.
Is city life better or village life?
Sometime you may be think, the city life is better than village life. However there are so many advantages and disadvantages in city life and village life.Actually the city life is more comfortable. As well as there are more opportunities for people to progress in their lives. There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. Children living in the city can get a good education, because there are better school in the town than in the village. When a person falls ill there are good government and private hospital in the city to get treatment. There are large shop complexions, banks, offices, cinemas, hostels, clubs, hospitals etc. in and around the city. People in the city have better transport facilities than the village. There is electricity, highway, communication, telecommunication, plumb facilities in the city. So people can lead a comfortable and enjoyable fife in the city.Although living in the city has many advantages there are some disadvantages too. The cost of living is very high in the city. Most goods are very expensive. There is no fresh air and pure water. The environment is polluted with dust, smoke, garbage and dioxide gases from factories. Most of the people who live in the city are corrupted. So there are lots of crimes in the city. Many thefts and murders often take place in the city. The city is always busy and noisy. There are a lot of vehicles and people in the road. The streets are dusty and unclean. So it is hard to lead a healthy life in the city. As well as there are so many advantages in the village life. Mainly the people of the village live in unity and peace. The villagers earn money very hard and earn money enough for live. So they live less competition with each other. So they can reach a good position. They have more friends in the community since it is small. The village people always try to protect their traditional habits and culture. The village has clean air and the environment is very beautiful. The village has less noise and rush. So the pollution is less. The village has not lot of vehicles. So roads are less dangerous for driving cycling. They can get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. The environment of the village is pleasant and silent and it has scenic beauty. The village has not only good points, but also it has bad points. The village has intelligent people. But many people are not educated. Villager’s children go to the village’s school. They are not go to the city’s school. They have difficult to keep up with new developments in their field or profession. Same day villagers live same place. Village people have to face many difficulties for their lives , like traveling problems. They have to go to the city for supply their needs. Although the life in the city is more comfortable than village, I like village life than city.
Advantages of village
We can get advantages and disadvantages in every things similarly advantage of village were as follows, I think village life is very simple life, they don’t interested to modern life as a city. In village we can see natural beauty, clean environments, clean oxygen, pure drinking water, ever green forest, mountains, etc.
In the village we can also get good environment among the peoples, peoples are very helpful, and they help each other each and every times if there is a need. There is strong relationship among the villagers.
The main advantage of village life is very clean environment, there is no any kind of pollutions like sound pollutions, environment pollutions, etc. and the people are very helpful to each other.
Life in the village - advantages and disadvantages
Life in the village is quite different than life in the town. On the plus side, the life in the village is silent and less stressful than life in the city. You can go to the nature or forest, or you can go cycling or you can run on the field. If you are boring you can work in garden or you may make a signs in the field, you can fire the field, you may shot with your friends or you can play golf. You can do everything what you want because there is a lot of places to play and you are not limited with another people. The main advantage is that the parcels are not so expensive like in the town that means you may buy really large parcel for a good price.
But the life is not perfect and for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a large parcel but you must have a lot of energy to keep that parcel tidy, you can make everything you want but there are not social activities like cinemas, theatres, operas, parks, fountains or shopping centres (only activity is a club for pensioners). The shopping abilities are not so good like in the city and if you want really good goods you have to travel to the town. The next problem is travel. No every village has rail connection and the busses do not go very often. Last of all, the main problem is finding job. There is only few job opportunity usually occupied with local aborigines. In conclusion, I think living in the village has some advantages, but everything what has advantages has disadvantages to – life is … Some people may like the life there. The life does not depend from place you live but from the life you live. I prefer living in the satellites or in the village near town.
Big city is where you can see many vehicles,many skyscrapers, many peple with a hurry pace of life. That place can fascinate us very much due to its light and luxury.Nowadays, more and more pople want to live there because they see many advantages. Indeed, in a big city, people can have the best chances to work as well as can enjoy the best service and entertaiment.
In a big city, people can take the chaces to study and work best. There are many good University for u to choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you graduate, you also find it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult in small cities or countrysides; because there concentrates many big companies and groups. Hence, many graduate students choose big cities to live and work. In short, it is where you can take advantages f yourself.
In addition, in a big city you can enjoy the best service and entertainment. Because there are many rich people here, they can invest much money to get the best for them. Lives in a big city are quite luxurius but you don't have to be worried when you are sick or suffer a disease because there you can find good doctors for you, as long as you have muich money. What's more, in a big city you can enjoy new entertainment such as new games or luxury games.
Many people can argue that living in a big city makes them tired with noise and dash. They like the slow pace of life in a countryside. But I think that you can live there for a long ime because the young always like to enjoy new things and want to have much money, which is very difficult to do in a countryside. However, when you get older, especially when you retire, a countryside wll the best choice to live.
In summary, living in a big city has many advantages. However, you have to try your best to overcome all difficulties such as hard competition in workplace or polluted environment. you shuold not complain when face up to disadvantages of it.
A city means a large and important town. Some people say that city is the best place to live. Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to live in the city. They are willing to leave their homes and migrate to the city because there are plenty of job opportunities and entertainment in the city. One has an easy access to all the amenities of life. Additionally, city centers are the places where all the business, educational, official and trade activity centers are located. The commuting time is nothing as compared to those living in the suburbs.
There are many advantages living in a city. Living in a city is very convenient. There ara many important things for life such as cloths, furniture and health care here. There are better choices because there are more shops. We can also choose an expensive or cheap things that suit to our budget. Living in a city can makes chances of getting a proper education because we can go to a better school, colleges or universities. Most of the good and famous universities are situated in big cities.
Its is also easier to find chances of getting a good job and of course a good salary if you choose to live in a big city. A big city has more opportunity to find job with good salary as there are many companies, corporations and businesses. The facilities are also good. During emergency, we do not have to be transferred to other hospital as we need only short time to get to the hospital. In addition, living in city, we can enjoy the best entertainment. There are many entertainment for our family. Furthermore, we can also enjoy many kinds of food as there are many restaurants in city. The public transportations in city are always better than the one that we have in the rural area. We can choose transport like busses, LRT or monorail which the rural area does not have. These will reduce our expenses.
However, without them realizing it, there are many disadvantages of living in the city.