The basketball gym has always been an escape from reality for me. As soon as my sneakers touch the floors of the white river gym my mind goes blank and I do what I have always done and play basketball. I feel as if nothing can touch me when I’m in the gym, like nothing matters other than that very moment. Ever since I was a kid I dreamed of having the best game of my life in front of thousands of fans. And even though there is no one in the gym but me, I still act like everyone is watching. I would always go through past game ending situations I had seen Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant do and act like I was them. Walking into the gym before a basketball game is something I cannot compare to anything. When the crowd is cheering and the band is playing, and I say the final words before we run out onto the court ready to play the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. But as soon as the referee throws up the tip at the beginning of the game everything goes blank and I block all the noise and all the distractions are gone. The only thing on my mind is winning the game and doing all I can to help. I remember my sophomore year when I had my first start of my high school career against the #1 team in the state, being Clover Park. Two of our normal starter were suspended that game giving me the start. I have never been so nervous before in my life. When I got home from school I just sat in my room, listening to music until it was time for me to go back to the school to get ready for the game. I don’t even think I said one word to a single person until the game started. But like I said earlier as soon as I touched the floor and the game started everything went away and did what I do best, play basketball. In the fourth quarter we were up by 6 with only 10 seconds to go when the fate of the game seemed sealed the feeling that we made a huge upset sunk in. When the final buzzer went, the student section flooded the court and met us in center court so excited about what we just pulled off. That single moment will stick with me forever, later we went on to the state championship game, even though we lost the experience and the teammates I met have impacted me in many ways. The worst part was seeing the seniors so upset knowing that it was the last basketball game they would ever play. Only one of the 5 seniors went on to play college basketball. That’s why this year means so much to me knowing that this is my last season to do the thing I love with some of my best friends growing up.