Assessment question
Evaluate business conduct in the mining industry using three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex.
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Business ethics are defined as the collective values of a business organisation that can be used to evaluate whether the behaviour of the collective members of the organisation are considered acceptable and appropriate (ed. Campbell 2014). Many companies in the mining industry lack incentive to promote business conduct in line with ethical standards in regards to the fundamental principles encompassed in the Global Business Standard Codex (GBSC) (Paine et al. 2005). Such principles that should be encouraged include the principle of dignity in regards to contributing …show more content…
2005). These companies place a high regard for the protection and sustainable development of the natural environment on lands on which they operate and abroad. Mining companies operating in Australia are governed by stringent regulations on their operating activities and are encouraged to constructively engage in tackling greenhouse gas emissions, efficiently using energy and preserving the biodiversity of ecosystems (Siegel 2013). Mining giant, BHP Billiton is committed to being a responsible steward of natural resources by implementing energy efficiency and green-house gas reduction projects, and aiding the rehabilitation of disturbed areas used in operations (BHP Billiton 2013). Through their interactions with natural resources, mining companies can act as responsible citizens of the community by aspiring to protect and deliver lasting benefits to the environment and communities through the improvement natural resource management and the reduction greenhouse gas emissions (Worrell & Appleby 2000). Mining companies should be activist on issues such as environmental impact, ensure their activities clean up any environmental damage caused by operations and strive for the sustainable management of natural resources (Paine et al. 2005). While there are numerous …show more content…
39, no. 3, pp. 319-35, viewed 31 March 2014,
Everingham, J, Rifkin, W, Collins, N 2013, ‘Indigenous enterprise initiative’, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland, viewed 8 May 2014,
Northcott, MS 2012, ‘Artificial persons against nature: environmental governmentality, economic corporations, and ecological ethics’, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 12491, no.1, pp. 104-17, viewed 8 May 2014,< 12774999_1/courses/200336_2014_aut/1%20Assessments/Req%20Readings/Northcott%20%282012%29.pdf>
Paine, L, Desphande, R, Margolis, JD, Bettcher, KE 2005, ‘Up to code: does your company’s conduct meet world-class standards?’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 83, no. 12, pp. 122-33, viewed 8 May 2014,
Siegel, S 2013, ‘The missing ethics in mining,’ Ethics and international affairs, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 3-17, viewed 8 May 2014, Vuws database, DOI 10.1017/S0892679412000731.
Stanwick, P & Stanwick, S 2014, ‘The foundation of ethical thought’, in N Campbell (ed.) Business academic skills, 5th edn, Pearson Australia, Sydney, pp.