In 2015, it spent $184 million on community contribution programs covering a range of health, education, protection, housing, environment and agriculture4. As large proportion for products is exported, it requires access to transport facilities that ultimately leads to transportation growth. Recent increase in investment has given rise to the demand for mining workers. In 2016, it will report economic capacity built from local employment and procurement to deal with any community complaints. In the period to 2030, 470 million people are expected to urbanise over same period particularly in Asia. Apparently GDP growth expected to average 5-6 % p.a over next 15
In 2015, it spent $184 million on community contribution programs covering a range of health, education, protection, housing, environment and agriculture4. As large proportion for products is exported, it requires access to transport facilities that ultimately leads to transportation growth. Recent increase in investment has given rise to the demand for mining workers. In 2016, it will report economic capacity built from local employment and procurement to deal with any community complaints. In the period to 2030, 470 million people are expected to urbanise over same period particularly in Asia. Apparently GDP growth expected to average 5-6 % p.a over next 15